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    Classifying the Types of Roommates

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    Classification essays are articles which have things in different categories and give examples of things fitting into each category. In this piece, it will focus on classifying the types of roommates and discuss various samples of each group. There is always an unpleasant experience in a scenario where one is having a roommate as everybody has his or her different conditions in the way of running a household. There is always a significant challenge when learning everyone’s character because people differ in their dispositions (Elliot and David 2016). There was a personal report that it was difficult for him to live with other people reason being that they tend to avoid picking up after themselves, had no regards towards his feelings and failed to care about his personal belongings. Such roommates fall into three distinct categories: the disrespectful, the dirty and the hazardous. The first category of roommates was by far the dirtiest as the report states from the encounter from the person who lived with them.

    One of his roommates didn’t take any trash which would instead pile up and spread all over the floor. His roommate also didn’t do the dishes and left him doing all the chores. One day he came home late, and of a surprise, there was a strike of a strong stinking and foul smell in the room. His roommate’s dog had been playing around a dead cow. Unfortunately, his roommate didn’t bath the dog at his consternation; the dog slept with his roommate that night. He wasn’t in a position to handle it over the night and in the morning he got up, and he had to scrub the dog. The second type of persons he lived with falls under the disrespectful category. He claims that his roommate would come in at around 3 or 4 o’clock in the morning.

    He said it was okay for his roommate to come late but it had some inconvenience for him wake early for work. His roommate also would come in with his girlfriend anytime whether someone was home or not. He was one day looking for something then he asked his roommate who gives a response that it was taken by someone who came over earlier. His roommate’s friends took his belongings and also ate some of his food. The third category of his roommates falls under the hazardous group. His roommate has some habit of smoking like a freight train. His roommate smokes while in bed and eventually falls asleep with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth.

    These led to holes establishing in the floor due to smoking of cigarette and its droppings. His mattress had several similar holes too. He says that his roommate was by far the dangerous and worst of all. He is glad he no longer stays with him. In conclusion, having a roommate is very challenging reason being, some people are inconsiderate of others’ feelings and personal property (Faulkner and Adam, 2014). It is of great importance to find someone of the same kind of personality as you do, for you to get along comfortably. From the three examples or categories of roommates as above, one can learn a lot and establish more reason to living alone then having a roommate. One gains more benevolence towards staying with others. References Elliot, David. ‘The Turn to Classification in Virtue Ethics: A Review Essay.’ (2016): 477-488. Faulkner, Adam. ‘Automated classification of stance in student essays: An approach using stance target information and the Wikipedia link-based measure.’ Science 376.12 (2014): 86.

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    Classifying the Types of Roommates. (2022, Nov 30). Retrieved from

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