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    Choosing My Superpower Essay (818 words)

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    Many people are confused when they are asked which superpower they would choose because there are many kinds of them. They do not know which superpower is the best for them. However, I am someone who knows exactly which superpower is for me. When I was in high school, there were spiteful rumors about me. Moreover, they came from a person who I called “best friend. ” Since that event, I have always wished for the power to be invisible. It will help me cope with ruses of two-faced people and bring the freedom to my life. To begin, if I were invisible, I could realize the real nature of people.

    Friends are an important factor in everybody’s life. With some people, friends are people we can trust and people we share all of our thoughts, as well as our feelings. Nevertheless, that does not mean that all friends are good people. I have had friends that can be very good and in front of me, but when I am gone, they tell lies about me behind my back. My ex-best friend and I seemed like sister because we were always together. We hang out every weekend at the shopping mall. We shared our favorite food. We made a plan together. I totally believed in her that I told her all my secrets and even let her read my diary.

    However, until I realized her real nature, everything was too late. Leaving behind all my trust and love to her, she told all my confidentiality to the whole world with exaggerated details. Of course, I became a joke for the whole school. She was such a talented chef by using my secrets as the main ingredient and mixing it with the overstatements as her homemade spices. Then she had perfect recipe and finally made a delicious dish, which everybody enjoyed except for me. Therefore, if I had a new friend, t This is time I would make use of my power. I would turn invisible and sneak into my friend’s conservations with other people.

    Then I will know what my friend really thinks about. I mef it is necessary, I will ready to unmask the liar and betrayer. Society is a mixture between good people and bad people. If you are only a normal person, you never can truly know what the nature of one person is. However, it is definitely possible if I have the power to be invisible. I am able to denounce the deceits of liars and lay bare their hypocrisy. Then I can have a satisfied smile and find the real good people in my life. Another advantage of being invisible is that I you can be who I am you are and do whatever I want.

    Singing aloud, dancing crazy, talking to myself and having silly expressions are things that I often do but only when I am alone and there is no one around. I am afraid the stares toward me as if I were an alien. Everyday, I have to live with many concerns about rules and regulations: wear uniform to school, comb my hair before going outside, etc. Why must I wear uniform while it is very uncomfortable? Why must I be tidy up while I don’t want to? These questions have the same answer: because of people judgments. I have to wear uniform if I do not want to be considered as bad student.

    I have to be tidy up in order not to be called bad personality person. The only way to stop people commenting on my dignity is that they cannot see me. This is time the invisible power would work. Being invisible, I can do whatever I like without caring about people judgments. I can wear jeans and be with a messy hair to school. I can do silly things without notices. Nothing is more wonderful than you have your own world with your own rules. “You are amazing just the way you are. ” This is a quote from my favorite song that I fully sympathize with. I was born with my own character and personality, which makes me special.

    Hence, there is no reason why I have to follow the rules and be the same as others. Society is a mixture between good people and bad people. If you are only a normal person, you never can truly know what the nature of one person is. However, it is definitely possible if I have the power to be invisible. I am able to denounce the deceits of liars and lay bare their hypocrisy. Then I can have a satisfied smile and find the real good people in my life. Moreover, the invisible power can help me become a unique person. While people are living with a highly affected style, I am the only one who can live with true dignity and live in freedom.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Choosing My Superpower Essay (818 words). (2018, Aug 03). Retrieved from

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