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    How is each character introduced in Of mice and men? Essay

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    Due to his low status he wanted to have rights and he wanted to be treated fair, this could be another reason why he kept the civil rights code. The name “crooks” is a reference to his crooked back, this could be because of all the hard work he has done on the ranch. An alternative interpretation is at it is a metaphor for the way the discrimination he has suffered through his life has crippled him emotionally and physically. He is also described as a “proud and aloof man” which suggests that he keeps his distance and likes to retain some personal dignity and privacy.

    “his eyes lay deep in his head, and because of their depth seemed to glitter with intensity”. This is a portrayal of Crooks’ eyes. The combination of darkness and light here implies the loneliness and inner heat of Crooks. Crooks is a black and is separated by the whites so he is very lonely. The depth of his eyes suggests that he is sad, tired and lonely, but the “eyes glitter with intensity”, which suggests that in his deep heart, he is longing for accompaniment and he has depressed passion inside. Curley is described as a “young thin man” with “brown face, with brown eyes” this could suggest that he has spent a lot of time out in the sun.

    He has “head of tightly curled hair” which suggest he is wound up like a spring all the time. ”like the boss He wore high heeled boots” which shows his high status on the ranch and possibly wants to be taller so people can look up to him and he can look down on everybody else. He wants to show that he is different to the rest of them and show his more powerful than the rest that is why he dresses like the boss and imitates him. His body language and behaviour shows he is very aggressive and violent because “he glances coldly at George and then at lennie” as if he is sizing them up. ” he stiffened

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    How is each character introduced in Of mice and men? Essay. (2017, Nov 15). Retrieved from

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