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    Chapter 6 Essay

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    Texture refers to the
    surface quality of a work.

    Which of these artists produced many pieces of kinetic art?
    Alexander Calder
    What allows the viewer to understand a larger sequence of events from a single image?
    implied motion
    What was the inspiration for Grace Ndiritu’s Still Life: White Textiles?
    an exhibition of work by Henri Matisse
    How are time and motion treated similarly in Claude Monet’s Water Lilies, Morning: Willows and Jackson Pollock’s No. 32, 1950?
    Both compositions force the viewer’s eye to keep moving.
    Bridget Riley’s Drift No. 2 is an example of
    Op Art.

    What did Alexander Calder employ to create movement in Untitled (1976)?
    air currents
    How are Phillip K. Smith III’s Lucid Stead and Alexander Calder’s Untitled similar?
    They both rely on actual movement.
    What formal qualities do William A. Garnett’s Erosion and Strip Farms East Slope of the Tehachapi Mountains and Michelangelo’s Pieta have in common?
    They both highlight areas of light and dark.

    What is similar between Teresa Hubbard and Alexander Birchler’s Detached Building and Isidro Escamilla’s Virgin Guadalupe?
    They are both narratives.
    How does Manuel Neri’s Mujer Pegada Series No. 2 differ from Max Ernst’s The Horde?
    Neri’s work has actual texture.
    Why does Phillip K.

    Smith III add mirrors and lights to an old shack in Lucid Stead?

    to heighten the viewer’s awareness of the pace of change within the desert
    Why does Gianlorenzo Bernini imply movement in his figure of David?
    to energize the narrative
    According to Grace Ndiritu, Henri Matisse creates a hallucinogenic quality by
    overlapping patterns.
    Why did Jackson Pollock place his canvas on the floor?
    He wanted to be able to walk around it and work from all four sides.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Chapter 6 Essay. (2017, Dec 27). Retrieved from

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