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    ch. 6 intro. to music Essay

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    How did non-Western arts influence twentieth-century Western arts?
    all of the above
    The Symbolist poets were strongly influenced by the works of:
    Edgar Allan Poe.
    Which of the following was NOT associated with Expressionism?
    The earliest harbingers of modernism were artists and writers from:
    The post-Romantic movement in poetry that revolted against traditional modes of expression is called:
    Expressionism was the German equivalent of French Impressionism and had the same goals and artistic qualities.
    Impressionism takes its name from a painting by Claude Monet.
    Neoclassical composers preferred absolute music and forms to program music.
    Which early-twentieth-century style dealt with the realm of the unconscious, distorted images, and the inner self?
    Which of the following genres was NOT favored by the Neoclassicists of the early twentieth century?
    the symphonic poem
    The concept of art was rejected by:
    Who is considered to have been the leader of the Impressionist painters?
    Claude Monet.
    Impressionism was a style cultivated principally in:
    Which of the following painters was NOT associated with the Impressionist school?
    Dadaists influenced:
    Les Six.
    The early twentieth century was impelled by the desire to throw off the oppressive style of the nineteenth century and to capture the spontaneity of primitive life.
    Expressionism in music took its impulse from painters whose canvases delved into the realm of the subconscious.
    Mallarmé and Verlaine are:
    Symbolist poets.
    Which of the following best describes the works of the Impressionist painters?
    They attempted to capture the freshness of first impressions.
    Salvador Dali and Joan Miró are associated with:
    The early-twentieth-century style that sought to revive certain principles and forms of earlier music was:
    The artistic trends of the early twentieth century can best be characterized as:
    a reaction against Romanticism.
    The Impressionist artists abandoned the grandiose subjects of Romanticism.
    In which country did the Expressionist movement originate?
    Which of the following best describes the effect achieved by Impressionist painting?
    luminous, shimmering colors
    Which of the following composers would NOT have been emulated during the Neoclassical era?

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    ch. 6 intro. to music Essay. (2017, Dec 27). Retrieved from

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