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    Celebrating Our Veterans? Service Essay

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    Throughout history, America has shone the bright light of freedom onto the darkness and oppression in this world, and has done so with the help of millions of brave soldiers. From 1776 to 2004, soldiers have and continue to put their lives on the line for the great cause of upholding freedom. Their ultimate sacrifice has allowed the liberty light to shine strong, and to keep you, me, and all Americans safe under Lady Liberty’s arm.

    When I see soldiers on television or in a parade, I am reminded of the most difficult but worthy cause they have fought for again and again over all of these years; the freedom, liberty, and life of all the people in America today. I am reminded that the purpose of war is to protect the ideals and beliefs of the fighting country, and in our case, to protect our vital freedom. All wars fought by the United States, from the Revolutionary to Desert Storm, and Operation Iraqi Freedom, have been for that glorious ideal. The Revolutionary War gave the boost to start the budding superpower we are today, and throw off the oppression of Britain.

    The Civil War protected the union and the freedom of all people with its outcome, and America was reunited once again. World War I, World War II, and all the following wars were not to protect our own freedom, but to generously give the most valuable gift, the gift of freedom to other nations. Soldiers who fought in these wars were the backbone of the cause. Soldiers have truly been the foundation of the great tower of America on which all liberty balances. To be a soldier is a great honor, but it comes with great commitment and sacrifice.

    The solider, only one of many shines true for the cause as brightly as the Statue of Liberty herself. He must be brave, to face the hard, toilsome trek ahead of him. He must be strong, and push himself to stay headstrong. He must be loyal, not only to the cause, but to God Himself to guide him through.

    He must be courageous, for at the worst of odds, he must put the cause before himself and fight with all of his power. Last, but not least, he must be persevering, because there are many stumbling points along the rough road to freedom, but the glory of liberty and the power of freedom must be upheld. I have always wondered what it would be like to be a soldier, to be out in the trenches fighting for the very threads that hold all of America together. To know what they must feel! Imagine feeling the excitement of fighting for the God-given right of freedom and to present that great gift to generations to come. Imagine feeling the thrill of defeating those who stand in the way of Uncle Sam and his people, or the exhilaration of knowing that death could be knocking on your door but still snapping to attention to be sent into the crossfire! My hat is off to them. I truly do not know what I would do in that situation.

    To have the whole fate of the people, the government, and the ideals of America in my handswhat a rush! To be a soldier is to have the most exciting job in the world. I truly do respect them for all they have done, from the defending of Pearl Harbor, to the amazing defeat of the British at Yorktown. All those people fighting for one cause, one direction — fighting for freedom, not only for the United States, but for the oppressed people around the world! When I see “Old Glory” flying in the air, I am reminded of the hardships and accomplishments our soldiers have taken all through these years. The brilliant blue, which flies so high, reminds me of the blue sky, under which countless battles have reigned, some American victories, some not. The whirling white, upon our flag, reminds me of the great white smoke that whirled above many a battlefield where cannon fire and musket shot hurtled mercilessly through the air.

    The relentless red, flapping in the wind, reminds me of .

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    Celebrating Our Veterans? Service Essay. (2019, Mar 02). Retrieved from

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