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    Cases Of Innocent Capital Punishment Essay

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    Capital Punishment”He who sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed, for inthe image of God was man created.

    “(Genesis 9:6) “Anyone who by violence causesa death must be put to death. “(Exodus 21:12) “But should any person dare tokill another with deliberate planning, you will take that person even from myaltar to be put to death. “(Exodus 21:14)Capital Punishment can be described as a the punishment of death for avery bad or heinous crime like murder. Not all states have got capitalpunishment, otherwise known as the “Death Penalty. ” The states which do not havethis type of punishment are Alaska, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Iowa, Maine,Massachusetts, Michigan, New York, North Dakota, Rhode Island, Vermont, WestVirginia, and Wisconsin.

    The remaining states do have some form of capitalpunishment ranging from hanging, firing squad, electrocution, gas chamber, andlethal injection. If somebody killed someone they would not automatically get the deathpenalty, there are several circumstances that a judge, jury, and prosecutionermust look at to see how bad the crime was. In some states if you kidnap someone,and do heinous things to them, you could still be eligible for the death penalty. Each state which carries a death sentence has got their own requirements that aperson must meet to decide whether they get life in prison, or the sentence ofdeath. Below is each state which carries a death sentence and the requirementsthat a person must meet and be convicted of in order to receive the deathsentence. In Alabama in order to receive the death penalty you must murder duringa kidnapping, robbery, rape, sodomy, burglary, sexual assault, or arson.

    Also,someone would get the death penalty if they murdered a peace officer,correctional officer, public official, or murder under a life sentence. They’remany more but they are kind of useless to my paper. In the state of Arizona,the only way you could receive the death penalty was if you committed firstdegree murder and had one of ten “aggravating” factors associated with themurder. In Arkansas you must kill someone with arson, kill a law enforcementofficer on purpose, a teacher or school worker, kill a prison worker, a jailattendant, correctional worker, or someone who is in the military. Also if youare a hit man, otherwise known as contract murder.

    In California you mustcommit treason, which are acts to try to overthrow the government, homicide by aprisoner serving a life term, train wrecking, and lastly perjury causingexecution. For Colorado, it is almost the same as Arkansas but it also includesreferees and judges. In Connecticut “murder of a public safety or correctionalofficer, murder for pecuniary gain; murder in the case of a felony; murder by adefendant with a previous conviction for intentional murder; murder while undera life sentence; murder during kidnapping; illegal sale of cocaine, methadone,or heroin to a person who dies from using these drugs; murder during first-degree sexual assault; multiple murders; the defendant committed the offense(s)with an assault weapon. “(AOL1) For the state of Delaware murder withaggravating circumstances, “including murder of a child victim fourteen years ofage or younger by an individual who was atleast four years older than thevictim,”(AOL1) and the same like killing police officers or other peace people.

    In Florida you must “commit felony murder; first-degree murder; sexual batteryon a child under age twelve; destructive devices which result in death, andcapital drug trafficking. “(AOL1) In Georgia its about the same with theexception of hijacking an airplane when someone dies. For the state ofIllinois, if you commit first degree murder with atleast only one of fourteenaggravating circumstances, you will be sentenced to death. It seems hardest toget the death penalty in Indiana because you must murder someone and include allfourteen aggravating circumstances. Kansas is roughly the same as in Coloradobut if you killed two people in the same incident you will most likely get thedeath penalty also.

    In Kentucky, you could possibly get the death penaltywithout even killing someone if you kidnap someone and there is an aggravatingfactor, also if you murder with only one aggravating factor. In Louisiana, allyou have to do is murder someone or commit treason. In Maryland, “commit firstdegree murder, either premeditated or during the commission of a felony. “(AOL1)Mississippi’s death penalty is exactly like this: “capital murder includesmurder of a police officer or correctional guard, murder under life sentence,murder by bomb or explosive, contract murder murder committed during specificfelonies which include (rape, burglary, unnatural intercourse with a child, andnonconsentual unnatural intercourse); and murder of an elected official. Capitalrape in Mississippi is defined as forcible rape of a child under fourteen yearsof age by a person eighteen or older. “(AOL1) Missouri just says that you mustcommit first degree murder.

    In Montana you must kill someone on purpose, kidnapa person and they die or someone trying to help them dies, try to break someoneout of prison who has killed someone already. For Nebraska, just kill someoneon purpose. In Nevada you have to kill someone with atleast nine aggravatingfactors. New Hampshire is about the same as Colorado. In New Jersey, if youkill someone or know someone is going to be killed, also contract murder. InNew Mexico, kill someone or commit murder with felony circumstances.

    For NorthCarolina, just commit first degree felony murder. Ohio states “aggravatedmurder, including assassination; contract murder; murder during escape; murderwhile in a correctional facility; murder after conviction for a prior purposefulkilling or prior attempted murder; murder of a peace officer; murder arisingfrom specific felonies(rape, kidnapping, arson, robbery, burglary); murder of awitness to prevent testimony in a criminal proceeding or in retaliation. “(AOL1)Oklahoma is the same except it adds that murder when the victim is a child whohas been maimed, tortured, or injured. Oregon says that all you have to do iscommit aggravated murder.

    In Pennsylvania and South Carolina just commit murderand have an aggravating circumstance. In South Dakota, you would get the deathpenalty if you committed first degree murder or kidnapped someone and didpermanent physical injury to them. In Tennessee you would get the deathsentence if you killed someone while you were committing a felony. Texas whichexecutes the most people has a whole list of offenses which someone could getthe death penalty for they are “murder of a public safety officer, fireman, orcorrectional employee; murder during the commission of specified felonies likekidnapping, burglary, robbery, aggravated rape, or arson; murder forremuneration means gain, multiple murders, murder during prison escape, murderby a Stateprison inmate who is serving a life sentence for any of five offenses;murder of an individual under six years of age. “(AOL1) In Utah, if youcommitted murder or you were a prisoner and committed aggravated assault whileunder a life sentence.

    Virginia has got capital punishment for crimes likemurdering someone while involved in felonies like abduction, armed robbery, rape,and forcible sodomy, also for contract murder, murder of a cop or killingsomeone under twelve years of age. In Washington you get the death penalty ifyou commit premeditated murder. In Wyoming you get the punishment of death ifyou commit “premeditated murder; felony murder in the perpetration attempts ofsexual assaults, arson, robbery, burglary escape, resisting arrest, kidnapping,or abuse of a child under sixteen years of age. “(AOL1)There are many different forms of capital punishment used todaythroughout the United States, they are hanging, firing squad, electrocution, gaschamber, and a lethal injection.

    When someone is hanged today they are killedexecution style by strangling or snapping the neck by a suspended noose. Whensomeone is executed in front of a firing squad, they are put attached to a polein the ground and expert shooters shoot at him and aim to explode his heart. When someone is sentenced to die in the electric chair, they have to wear aleather mask to cover their face not because they aren’t to see what is going tohappen to them but to keep their eyeballs from popping across the room. Whensomeone is electrocuted their body temperature reaches one hundred thirty eightdegrees farenheight.

    (AOL2) When someone is electrocuted they will experience aheaping chest, foaming mouth, bloody sweat, burning skin and hair, and theireyeballs pop out of their face. (AOL2) At first the electric chair was used asan alternative to hanging. The way of executing someone through lethalinjection is when a doctor comes in and mixes a solution which poisons the bodyand makes all the person’s organs fail. It is described by inmates as the”ultimate high. “(AOL2) In the gas chamber, a prisoner is put in a type of roomwhere the fumes can’t escape and a lethal gas is released into the air and theperson who is strapped in a chair is killed eventually by the fumes.

    Its kindof like how the Nazis gassed the Jews, but the Jews didn’t do anything todeserve the punishment. Each state which has got a form or forms of capital punishment has theirown way of executing someone. Lethal injection is used today in Arizona,Arkansas, California, Colorado, Delaware, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Louisiana,Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, NewMexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Dakota,Texas, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming.(AOL1) Hanging is used in Delaware,Montana, New Hampshire, and Washington.(AOL1) Electrocution is used in Alabama,Arkansas, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Nebraska, Ohio,South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia.(AOL1) The gas chamber is used instates like Arizona, California, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina,and Wyoming.(AOL1) Utah is the only state which uses a firing squad.(AOL1)Religion

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    Cases Of Innocent Capital Punishment Essay. (2019, Jan 13). Retrieved from

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