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    The 18th amendment ended the manufacture, sale and transport of alcohol. This is known as
    which U.S. president installed a return to normalcy policy in America during his term?
    Warren Harding
    How did Americans feel after the Teapot Dome scandal?
    They felt the government was untrustworthy and greedy
    What was the 19th amendment?
    gives women the right to vote
    Fundamentalists of the 1920’s were concerned with declining ___ standards in America.
    What was a result of the 18th amendment?
    rise in organized crime
    The U.S. adopted policies that created a positive environment for immigration. T or F?
    Fear of communism is called the
    Red Scare
    The Scopes Trial was a debate between
    religious and modern ideals
    Republican presidents of the 1920’s followed policies that favored laissez-faire ideas and favored business. They were Hoover, Coolidge and
    What best describes conditions in the 1920’s in the United States?
    an increase in the availability of credit resulted in an expansion of consumer purchasing power
    How did Warren Harding’s return to Normalcy cause economic growth and prosperity in the 1920’s?
    it isolated the United States so they could focus on bettering their economy and lowering war costs.
    How did reducing taxes cause economic growth and prosperity in the 1920’s?
    it cut down the war cost from $18 billion to $3 billion
    how did the increased production inefficiencies cause economic growth and prosperity in the 1920’s?
    It was the era for new technologies and production for them blossomed
    What was the Teapot Dome?
    Fall had arranged oil reserves in California and Wyoming from the Navy to the Interior Department. The oil was meant for the navy’s use in time of emergency. Fall had leased the property to private oil men.
    What impact did it have on the views of U.S. citizens in regards to trust in the federal government and its leaders?
    It hurt U.S. citizen’s trust in the federal government and its leaders specially the Executive Branch.
    Cause and effects of immigration and its social issues in the 1920’s.
    cause: Red Scare- Americans thought immigrants were only there to terrorize America.
    effect: United States cut down the flow of immigration.
    cause and effects of the Red Scare and its social issues in the 1920’s.
    cause: revolution in Russia brought the communists to power.
    effects: Americans frustrated with big business owners joined the communist party.
    causes and effects of prohibition and its social issues in the 1920’s.
    causes: men were going to work and home drunk; hurting their families.
    effects: organized crime; bootlegging.
    causes and effects of the changing role of women and its social issues in the 1920’s.
    causes: getting the right to vote; new appliances granted more freedom
    effects: short hair/clothes; rebellious attitudes.
    What impact did Clarence Darrow have on society?
    he defended Scopes in the the trial between religion and modern ideals.
    What impact did William Jennings Bryan have on society?
    Bryan was a fundamentalist that was involved in the Scopes trial; died few days after Scopes trial.
    What impact did Henry Ford have on society?
    He created the first automobile and adapted the first assembly line.
    What impact did Glenn Curtiss have on society?
    he began to manufacture engines for airships.
    What impact did Marcus Garvey have on society?
    Formed the Universal Negro Improvement Association.
    What impact did Charles Lindbergh have on society?
    He earned the Congressional Medal of Honor and flew his plane from New York to Paris.
    describe the global diffusion of American culture through radios?
    30 million people owned a “wireless”. Shops could use radios to have their products advertised.
    describe the global diffusion of American culture through sports?
    It brought together Americans and strengthened their nationalism by setting new records.
    describe the global diffusion of American culture through movies?
    They were referred to as dream palaces and people spent the majority of their time watching movies.
    Why was 1929 so significant?
    the first great Stock Market Crash.
    How was this time period depicted in Georgia O’Keefe’s work?
    She played a vital role in the development of American modernism.
    How was this time period depicted in the Lost Generations work?
    They rejected American obsession with Materialism
    How was this time period depicted in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s work?
    He was a member of the Lost Generation and wrote the Great Gatsby that revolved around the situation in the 1920’s.
    What was the Harlem Renaissance?
    It was the period during the 1920’s in which African American novelists, poets, and artists celebrated their culture.
    What was positive/negative about the Harlem Renaissance?
    positive: it was a general awakening of African American culture.
    negative: self hatred, dependence on white culture, spread of racism, division with the African American community.
    What was Tin Pan Alley?
    New York City Music publishers and song writers who dominated the popular music of the United States.
    What was positive about Tin Pan Alley?
    It gave the people a chance to have a copy of their favorite songs.
    What was the Tariffs on World Trade and how did it lead to the Great Depression?
    countries can’t buy from the United States unless they are permitted to sell to the Unites States. People who sold to other countries suffered to sell their stuff.
    What was the Stock Market Speculation and how did it lead to the Great Depression?
    The stock market took their steepest dive on October 29th, 1929 known as Black Tuesday. This kept the economy from surviving the other weaknesses.
    What ere the bank failures and how did it lead to the Great Depression?
    People lost confidence in banks so they withdrew their money which caused a bunch banks to close.
    What is the Monetary Policy of Federal Reserve System and how did it lead to the Great Depression?
    It had a maximum of employment, stable prices, and moderate long term interest rates. It lead to interest rates being raised and also lead to banks to push their prices higher.

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    Boom and Bust. (2017, Aug 31). Retrieved from

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