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    Bill Of Rights Scholarship Essay

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    Which of the Bill of Rights is most important to you and why?The Bill of Rights was written for the American people for two reasons. The first was to pacify Anti-Federalists’s fears of an overwhelmingly powerful central government provided by the Constitution.

    The second reason was to protect the freedoms secured by the Americans after their war for independence. Without a Bill of Rights, the people feared that the government would have the power to oppress and to control everything. In my opinion, the First Amendment is the most important. By taking each letter in the word first, I will explain why the First Amendment is important to me. F-freedom; The First Amendment states, Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

    This is quite possibly the amendment that makes the United States the democratic and orderly country that it is. The choice of freedom to say and listen to whatever one wants is the ultimate independence. I-immeasurable; The importance of the First Amendment can’t be measured. The freedoms and liberties it gives me are too great to mark with a value. This part of the Bill of Rights allows me to have a voice in the country I live in. R-requisite; The First Amendment is requisite, or absolutely needed.

    It sets boundaries that give the people rights in which the government cannot always interfere. Without this amendment, our country would lose order. S-security; I feel that the First Amendment is a shield that protects every citizen’s rights. It provides security to individuals. The First Amendment defends a person’s choices and actions.

    T-timeless; The First Amendment has lasted throughout the years. I believe that it will stay the same for all eternity. This amendment gives the people rights. That is something that will always be essential in keeping a country from falling apart.

    As you have read, the First Amendment is not only very important to me, but also the people of America. It provides the foundation for which democracy is built. This is because a democratic society is one that gives the people a say. The First Amendment gives the people the right to voice their opinions and make choices that involve such things as religion. I am grateful for the Bill of Rights, and especially the First Amendment. It has given me, an individual, the opportunity to have a voice in my country and a feeling of importance and pride.Acceptance Essays .

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Bill Of Rights Scholarship Essay. (2019, Apr 04). Retrieved from

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