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    Barack Obama ‘s President Obama Essay

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    In the present time, no one could imaged that the Senator Barack Obama won the presidential election because of the speech to make a more perfect union. President Barack Obama is the 44th president and the first African American to serve as U.S president. He was elected second terms over former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney. On March 18,2008, president Obama gave famous speech about the political, religion issues of race in the United States.

    he speaking at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia. This speech bring more hopes to the black people, and opposed to former pastor, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, which offended the rights of blacks and whites. The speech encourages the black people to fight for their freedom, to overcome the difficulties to created more strong union by united together, to solve this problem. In his part of the speech, he used a quote from the Constitution, “ we the people, in order to from a more perfect union,” He manipulate the audience by used rhetorical questions, the powerful allusion and simile, to gain the support mostly from the farmers, scholars, statesmen and patriots.(Obama). President Obama uses manipulative language to address racial inequality between blacks and whites in America.

    President manipulates the audiences through the used of rhetoric questions. Rhetoric question draws people attention to the issues of race, to tell the people his point of views on the statements addressed by pastor “Reverend Jeremiah Wright”. “Did I know him to be occasionally fierce critic of American domestic and foreign policy? Of Course. Did I ever hear him make remarks that could be considered controversial while I sat in church? Yes, did I strongly disagree with many of his political views? Abso. .ce in this country.

    “A More Perfects union,” like Obama ‘s others speeches and writings, was a masterful example of what David A. Frank calls the “rhetoric of consilience. Accordingly, “understanding results thought translation, mediation, and an embrace of different languages, values, and tradition.” The languages used in Obama’s speech make the speech more powerful, as well as the word democracy and freedom. He used rhetoric language to point out the equality and identified the political issues Obama toward the speech. Obama ‘s thirty-minute speech was unlike anything one customarily hears from politicians.

    It was more analogous to a thoughtful history and sociology lesson that offered some context for Wright ‘s remarks.” Obama’s speech in responses to the pastor Wright and offers more conservative opinion on the issues.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Barack Obama ‘s President Obama Essay. (2019, Feb 16). Retrieved from

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