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    The Culture of Autism Essay (267 words)

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    The Culture of autism Essay:Summary:This article is about how autism is a disability that can sometimes seem like it’s a culture in of its self.

    Autism is one of the more serious mental disorders that can affect just about every facet of the persons thinking life. It can affect everything from the way they eat, sleep, dress, work, socialize, and just function every day. That is why this article talks about autism almost functioning as a culture in the way that it has characteristics and predictable behavior from the individuals with it. It also gets into how a teacher almost becomes something of a translator that is able to understand the normal culture and the very different culture that a child with autism is coming from. They have to get across what they expect and what they want from the child in a way that they will understand.

    Reaction:I chose to read an article on autism because at the YMCA summer camp I worked at this summer there was a child that suffered from autism there, and I learned how to work with him and now know some of the things about autism seeing it first hand. I really enjoyed reading this article, especially the part about how a teacher has to almost translate what they are trying to get across to an autistic child as if they are speaking a totally different language. Sometimes just knowing how to communicate to a child with a disability will relieve a lot of stress for the person trying to work with them and the kids themselves. .

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The Culture of Autism Essay (267 words). (2019, Mar 02). Retrieved from

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