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    Artificial Intelligence and Computer Essay

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    As we get closer to the twenty-first century, we find that soon a computer will be another common household appliance.

    As the television was introduced in the 1950’s, it soon became an essential part of everyday life. It is now found in every home and an importance source for entertainment and for gaining information. In the next couple of years, the same will be said for computer. It is fast becoming as essential part of our everyday life. With the Internet becoming an important resource for gaining information with the touch of a button. Yet, this is just the beginning of the computer age.

    We now use components from computers to run other household appliances such as: microwave ovens, phones, alarm clocks, VCRs, and even television themselves have change to incorporate computer components. We even have cars with computers installed within them. Soon everything in home will be run, in some way by a computer. Yet, with the advancement in computers, engineers are still trying to find a way to create Artificial Intelligence Essay. This would truly take the computer to the next level, but creating something of this magnitude is extremely difficult. Lets first take a look at what we have now.

    As we look into businesses, we find that robotics has become as important asset for companies to stay in business. Robots can produce products more rapidly and more efficient than the human work force. Though robots cannot totally replace people in all work fields, they help in limiting mistakes, and boosting productivity. Still, robots have their limitations. To look at these limitations we first must know how computers work. Perhaps more than anything else, are the multi-purpose functionally and its ability to perform hundreds of very different tasks, which makes computers an essential part of our lives.

    Every computer has five functions: input, output, processing, information holding, and control. Before we get into the five functions, lets first take a quick look at the computer language. Computer language is binary number, basic 0 and 1. To look at this simply lets look at a light switch. A light switch, you could say, is also binary. On, will make the bulb receive electricity, which would make it illuminate.

    Off, will stop the electricity from getting to the bulb which would make it stop illuminating. This is a simple way of describing the binary language of a computer, but of course theres more to it than that. Though it uses binary language, it must also be able to understand human language. Therefore, computers must convert the alphabets and numbers into binary language. To understand how computers convert the alphabets and numbers into binary language, we must explore what is called bytes. A bit is either 0 or 1, which is as I explained earlier the same as binary language.

    A byte is a series of eight bits, which converts the alphabets and the number series into binary language. For example, lets take the letter A, notice I use capital a, because both uppercase and lowercase has its own binary code. The computer knows the letter A as 01000001. Therefore, when you type the letter A in the computer, the computer is sent this code in place of the key that you typed.

    Converts this code into A, and displays the A on your monitor. This is just to give you a simple example of what the computer read when you type on the keyboard. Keep in mind that each letter of the alphabet (both upper and lowercases) has its own binary code, as do the numbers from 0 to 9, and symbols such as +, -, and &, to name a few. To get back to the five functions of the computer, lets explore each one. First we explore input.

    Input is a set of instructions, which tells the computer what to do. Such instructions are known as the programs. Input is also anything you type on the keyboard, click with your mouse, or scan on your scanner. However, without the program, anything you type on the keyboard is useless, and the same goes with any other input device.

    When you type on your keyboard, the program in the computer instructs the computer to .

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Artificial Intelligence and Computer Essay. (2019, Feb 22). Retrieved from

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