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    How To Write An Art History Essay

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    How does Ernst Cambric define style and how might we understand the relationship between an object’s style and the time and place in which it was created? Ernst Cambric defines style as “any distinctive, and therefore recognizable, way in which an act is performed or an artifact made or ought to be performed and made. ” He also portrays style as distinguished event or pieces that has “desirable consistency and conspicuousness” and “stands out from a mass of ‘undistinguished’ events or objects”.

    In relation to time and place in which style was created, “The analysis of stylistic traditions in terms of the means peculiar to individual arts cuts across another approach, which is less interested in longitudinal study of evolution than in the synchronicity characterization of all activities of a particular group, nation, or period. “

    2. Based upon the readings, what is the relationship between style and form’style is observing and seeing recognizable features in an object; form is in representing the event, portrays the idea, in which style and form come together to create pictorial presentation. . Jacques-Louis David is often described as the leader of the Neoclassical school of painting and Oath of the Horntail is frequently described as the quintessential Neoclassical painting. Identify five elements of Davit’s painting that might be described as Neoclassical.

    1 . “Neoclassic artists and critics sought to revive the ideal of classical Greece and Rome. ” The drapery and clothing worn by the figures in the drawing represent the classical Greek era, as well as; the columns in the background show a great representation of classical architecture. The harsh, slanting light gives the figures their relief, and their contrasting characters are conveyed using different forms. The figures are separated by large empty spaces in a stage-like area shown head-on. The applied shade and shadow contrasted to the lighting emphasis enhanced the perception of depth.

    3. “There is a sense of order, logic, and clarity in the subject matter and content, concepts” such as dedicating it to a ruler. Also there is a sense of decorum, appropriateness, and morality was emphasized.

    The painting isn’t styled with playful object matter, or dreamy mythological, Greek god-like figures and bright colors, but technical approach by the artist. 4. Through the use of shade and applied shadows to representing three dimensional space on a two dimensional canvas. The I-point perspective of the room was convincingly natural; the human figures were well proportioned and anatomically accurate.

    5. The return to the Roman antiquity was the primary source of inspiration, which led to a period of resurgence in classicism and classical knowledge.

    It was also a erred of enlightenment and rational thinking. This entire picture was a result of an imagination, drawn up with convincing realism to serve as an illustration to convince the viewers at their first glance.

    4. Explain the significance of genre and narrative in the classification of Davit’s Oath as Neoclassical. This image is classified in the genre of history painting. This painting was based on the legend about the founding of Rome. David tells the story of three brothers that make an oath of loyalty to their father swearing defend heir city till death..

    Most Neo-classical paintings take their subjects from Ancient Greek and Roman history. In this painting, the Horntail brothers are swearing an oath on their swords, which their father presents to them to fight until they die for their country. David creates the ideal image to represent “greater seriousness and moral commitment,” which are the basic principles of Neo-classicism. David achieves what most neoclassical artists and critics strive for in their art by reviving the idea of classical Greece and Rome.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    How To Write An Art History Essay. (2017, Sep 25). Retrieved from

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