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    Architecture PPT Essay (452 words)

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    Gothic cathedrals have many large windows with stained glass, creating an effect of luminosity and light. Gargoyles, which were believed to keep away evil, are another distinguishing feature of Gothic cathedrals. What Made Them Different Ancient Greek architecture is not only well known for its temples, but also for the open-air theatres (amphitheaters) and the open public market square or agar. Around the agar were often buildings fronted with an open wall of columns The architectural styles found in these buildings, are based on the formalized method of construction and decoration that they liked to use.

    Their characteristic features can be seen on their buildings that have survived to present day. Gothic cathedrals are tall, their arches soar heavenward, and rays of sunlight pour through high, stained-glass windows and bathe the wood, masonry, and marble. Walls, columns, entrances, and doors are carved with figures and scenes from the Bible. The fade of a large church or cathedral, often referred to as the West Front, is generally designed to create a powerful impression on the approaching worshipper, demonstrating both the might of God, and the might of the institution that it presents.

    One of the best known and most typical of such fades is that of Notre Dame De Paris. Influence On Modern Architecture Symmetry and Balance Basing symmetry and balance as the ideals of simplicity, order and purity, the ancient Greeks constructed their architectural wonders with post-and-lintel construction. Posting columns, they laid a horizontal beam (lentil) across the space left between them. Refining this technique, the Greeks developed the untreatable.

    Untreatable Dividing the untreatable architectural feature into three parts–architrave, cornice ND frieze–this ancient Greek influence touched cultures, empires and civilizations through every century to modern day in building design. Resting on the architrave, the post refines into the column. Consisting of the base, shaft and capital, the column tops with a projecting cornice and ornately decorated frieze. Doric Column Cylindrical in shape, Doric columns sit without a base. Shallow grooves channel through the shaft and end with a square, uncluttered capital on top. Simplicity is the Doric column’s literal and figurative strength.

    Ionic Column Topping the Ionic column is a capital consisting of a rectangular plate. Coiling, scroll- like spirals called volutes fit at each end of the capital. Originating on coastal Asia Minor, the Ionic column is taller and more slender than the Doric. Ionic columns adorn the Jefferson Memorial in Washington D. C. Corinthian Column Taking on the most elaborate look of the three classic columns from ancient Greek architecture is the Corinthian column. Shaped like an upside-down bell, the capital has overlapping rows of acanthus leaves rising up the sides. Corinthian columns hold up the Louvre Museum of Paris.

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    Architecture PPT Essay (452 words). (2017, Sep 16). Retrieved from

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