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    AP Euro Chpt 11

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    Napoleon’s invasion of Egypt was part of the same development as
    Catherine the Great’s seizure of Crimea
    Which of these illustrate the influence of Romanticism on religion?
    Complete the analogy: Rococo artists are to Renaissance models as Romantic artists are to the
    Middle Ages
    In 1805, which two countries joined the British against the French?
    Austria and Russia
    Which of these was closely connected with English Romanticism?
    What treaty gave France control of areas north of Rome?
    What figure surprising came to wield great influence at the Congress of Vienna?
    Metternich – Austria
    THe concordat and the Spanish nationalism both reflect which of these?
    Catholicism as a force in European affairs
    Revolutionary policies regarding what organization garnered the most domestic opposition?
    What resulted from the Haitian uprising?
    Haiti independence
    What Empire was formally dissolved in 1806?
    Holy Roman Empire
    What caused the end of the Holy Roman Empire?
    Confederation of Rhine
    Jean-Jacques Rousseau laid out how to live a good life without being adversely influence by society in
    Food canning was invented by
    The Hundred Days refers to the
    return of Napoleon
    In the political cartoon of the Congress of Vienna, which nations are shown to be linked in a dance?
    Russia, Prussia, Austria
    The Treaty of Campo Formio marked the French defeat of
    Immanual Kant argued that human perception is as much a product of the mind’s activity as of
    sensory experience
    Which of the following statements best articulates the success of the Congress of Vienna?
    The congress can be credited with preserving general war for a hundred years.
    In Spain, Napoleon faced
    guerrilla warfare
    Religious toleration in Napoleon’s empire was influence by
    need for loyalty?
    What did John Wesley learn from the German Moravians in his transatlantic crossing?
    unshakeable faith and confidence
    What prompted Napoleon to abandon Louisiana to the U.S.?
    war with Britain
    The Quadruple Alliance was an agreement between
    Austria, Russia, Prussia, Britain
    August Wilheim von Schlegel’s Lucinde was typical of German Romantic writings in what way?
    characters as symbols
    A major difference between Napoleon’s coronation and earlier imperial coronation was that
    he crowned himself
    What is the Third Estate? was written by
    Abbé Siéyès
    The Organic Articles of 1802 established
    state over church
    What was the impact of the Hundred Days on the Congress of Vienna?
    harder for France to make peace
    What Enlightenment writer was most appreciated by the Romantic Movement?
    The relationship between Napoleon and Pius VII demonstrates that
    they wanted to appease each other
    What motivated the French government to pursue the invention of canned food?
    provisions overseas with nutrition
    Napoleon’s reconciliation with the French political factions illustrates the fact that he was most concerned with
    internal disputes and revolution
    The British Houses of Parliament are a prominent example of
    For the English Romantic poets, rational analysis was rejected in favor of ______ as a driving force.
    Who was the commander who destroyed the French fleet at Abukir in 1798?
    Horatio Nelson
    Napoleon worked to restore order in France, in part by
    bribery and flattery
    Napoleon’s Grand Army was defeated in Russia by ____ and ______.
    What was the name of the 1802 accord between France and Britain?
    Treaty of Amiens
    What was the effect of the Treaty of Amiens?
    took Britain out of the war (temporarily)
    The battles of Abukir and Trafalgar both demonstrated
    French weakness
    What group had a key influence on the development of Methodism, following an encounter with its founder?
    In the Napoleonic Wars, Britain and Russia were alike in
    The Romantic movement in the late-eighteenth century and early-nineteenth century Europe was characterized by
    absolute inwardness
    The English Romantics generally opposed the ideas of
    rationalism and classical rules
    The Second Coalition against France was made up of
    Britain, Russia, Austria, Ottomans
    On what issue did the Congress of Vienna continue earlier conflicts among the major powers?
    After the Treaty of Tilset, Napoleon aimed to cripple the British by
    the Continental system – blocking out trade
    François-Dominique Toussaint L’Ouverture led an uprising in
    Which of these created the Consulate?
    The characters in Romantic novels were
    Which statement would most likely be embraced by the English Romantic writers?
    poetry was about the beauty of the mind
    The Continental System initially extended as far east as
    The Battle of Trafalgar
    ended any possibility of France invading England
    The thing that made Lyrical Ballads unique is that it
    rejected 18th century rules
    Who were the members of the Confederation of Rhine?
    German states
    Two interests in such art forms as folklore and folk songs reflect the convergence of what two dominant trends of the early 1800s?
    history and philosophy
    Napoleon’s primary aim in establishing the Continental System was to
    weaken Britain
    The long peninsular campaign in Spain
    drained French strength and hastened Napoleon’s eventual defeat
    In what country was canning invented?
    One of the central features of the Romantic movement in Germany was the emergence of
    female roles
    The Confederation of Rhine is just one example of
    The divorce of Napoleon and Josephine de Beatharnais was part of the same ambitious design as Napoleon’s
    marriage to Marie Louise
    In sharp contrast to German nationalism, Spanish nationalism was closely tied to
    monarchy (Bourbon)
    When Napoleon invaded Russia,
    the Russian forces retreated, destroying food and supplies as they went.

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    AP Euro Chpt 11. (2017, Sep 06). Retrieved from

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