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    Anne Frank Huis Poetry Annalysis Essay

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    Andrew Motion Even now, after twice her Lifetime of grief and anger in the very place, whoever comes to climb these narrow stairs, discovers how the bookcase slides aside, then walks through shadow into sunlit rooms, can never help but break her secrecy again. Just listening Is a kind of guilt: the Westerners repeats itself outside, as if all time worked round towards her fear, and made each stroke die down on guarded streets. Imagine it -? Three years of whispering and loneliness and plotting, day by day, the Allied line n Europe with a yellow chalk.

    What hope she had for ordinary love and interest survives her her, displayed above the bed as pictures of her family; some actors; fashions chosen by Princess Elizabeth. And those who stoop to see them find not only patience missing its reward, but one enduring wish for chances like my own: to leave as simply as I do, and walk at ease up dusty tree-lined avenues, or watch a silent barge come clear of bridges settling their reflections in the blue canal.

    Plot -As the poet (whoever) enters Anne Franks hideaway, the poem begins to reveal mere fraction of the continuous dread and fear undergone by Anne because of her Jewish nationality. After describing the life she led confined to the narrow space behind the bookcase, the poet leaves; bearing In mind of all that he Is blessed with, compared to Anne.

    Setting -Clearly the poem’s setting dates back to the reign of Hitter’s rule where the Nazis occupied the streets of Netherlands and the Jewish community had to seek refuge in order to save their lives from this German ruler. The poet has skillfully described Ann.’s hideaway to be a narrow space of discomfort guised from the rest of the world by a bookcase, found in the upstairs of a couple of actors and fashion inspired by Princess Elizabeth; the common interests of a teenage girl.

    Point of View -The poem is written in third person point of view. Character – (Anne Frank is the main character while the Allied line in Europe is also vaguely mentioned. ) Anne Frank -A teenage Jewish girl, hiding from the Nazis. Felt lonely and helpless for the most part of her life. Theme -The poem is categorized as a war poem which brings out feelings like sympathy towards the less fortunate and rapped. Feelings like lonesomeness and longing seems to give the ones who take life for granted a message.

    Frame -This poem has been written to reveal the tormenting times the Jews had to undergo under Hitter’s rule. It is written in such manner that one feels sorry for Anne as well as the rest of the community who went through this horrifying period in their lives. Style -Enjambment or run-on-lines is the style of writing the poet has used where the sentence is continued to the next line suggesting the long and continuous suffering Anne had to go through for years.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Anne Frank Huis Poetry Annalysis Essay. (2017, Dec 30). Retrieved from

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