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    Dairy of Anne Frank Book Report Essay

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    DIARY OF Anne frank EssayBook report by: Eric reevesLiving in the peaceful land of Holland during the 1940’s could never prepare the characters in this story for the devastation that was about to unfold. At first this story starts with Anne in a happy environment. Then things take a turn for the worst. This story has many settings over a long period of time, from 1939 to 1945 the war lasted.

    Through that time the story goes from Holland to a concentration camp then to another concentration camp. The story is told from the perspective of a young girl named Anne Frank. Anne was a normal Jewish girl who had normal problems like school and boys. She had always daydreamed about being a movie star. She was a very intelligent girl and liked to write. She liked to write so much that if she couldn’t be a movie star she wanted to be a writer.

    Anne was very good at writing and wrote about the things that happened to her, her family and her friend with very unique and detailed wording. Hannah, like Anne lived in Holland. Also like Anne, Hannah was very friendly to all the people that she met and had many friends. Hannah and Anne were good friends, although Hannah had always teased Anne about being young, because Hannah was a month older than her. Meip Geis was a friend to Anne.

    When the franks were in hiding the were brought food by Meip. Meip was somewhat naive to the situations that surrounded her. She did not have the same intelligence or insights that Mr. frank possessed. She was very defiant and outspoken and had many close friends such as Hannah and Anne.

    Mr. Frank, the father of Anne was a very good man. He was smart, kind and very caring. Even when times were at there worst in the concentration camp, he help the men in his barracks. “He is like a saint” one prisoner said to Anne, while speaking through the gate.

    All was well in Holland. Anne had just arrived at Hannah’s to ride bikes together to school. That day when they came home they found German soldiers at their house. They had come to take away their bicycles. Before long many more privileges were taken away from the Jewish people.

    Then Hannah heard the news that Anne was moving to Switzerland. This news was not true however because Anne had actually gone into hiding . The Franks remained in hiding for many years. They endured many sad times and hardships.

    The Franks had little food, scant clothing and could only move during the night. One night a burgaler broke into the Franks house and were seen. Soon after Anne and her family were discovered and were taken to a concentration camp. Hannah’s Father told her that at this concentration camp the Germans traded you for German troops that had been taken prisoner.

    A long time had passed and Anne and her father hadn’t given up faith. Later Anne’s father got word that they were going to be transferred to another camp where they would be first in line to be traded out. There Anne spent quite a while and without nutrition she had gotten weaker and malnourished. Some time later she got word that Hannah was also in the camp, but just in another section. One night Anne built up her courage to go see Hannah. Hannah had made her a little package that contained A shirt, clean socks, dried fruit, and some bread.

    The first night the attempt to deliver the package failed, although the second try was a success. Anne was happy to receive the package but mostly to see her old friend. After a few weeks Anne’s Father got very sick, though he got over it after a while. Pretty soon Anne was too ill to continue to live and died. But her father was freed and continued to tell Anne’s story.

    During this story I noticed that the mood was always changing. Sometimes it is optimistic like when Anne tells Hannah everything will be okay, and sometimes it is pessimistic like when Annehears that her father was in the hospital. Also it has happy and sad moods. .

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Dairy of Anne Frank Book Report Essay. (2019, Jun 16). Retrieved from

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