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    Analyze an argument Stanley Fish: Save the world on your own time Essay

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    Higher educational systems allow students to adapt more to both theoretical and practical knowledge. Universities around the world offer programs of different criteria for their students. Civic engagement programs allow students to become a part of their community, which improves students’ social and moral experiences. Students who are civically engaged develop a series of skills apart from their education. Stanley Fish, an American literary theorist and a public intellectual writes and argues about the progression of education.

    “Save The World On Your Own Time” by Fish, elucidates his point of view of the modern day universities’ mission statements. Fish makes an unconditional argument that explains why a university shouldn’t teach or include any political ideologies, social values, or morality in the classroom. This essay uses the Toulmin argument method, which helps understanding how Fish makes a claim, supports it with reasons, and argues about it. The argument is about conducting a classroom that would only deliver a course’s information and set of skills to students. Stanley Fish, one of the people that strongly argue about what is a university’s job towards students. Fish discusses what a university is and what should it do (13).

    Fish claims that a university teaches students political ideologies, social values, to be civically engaged within society, and moral capacities, while he is against that (13). According to Fish, A university should first, introduce the students with knowledge and traditions that were not a part of their experience (12). Second, to equip students with the skills of critical thinking, statistical analysis and argument skills to engage in any activity or discussion outside the classroom (Fish 13). . .ut the low chances of productivity if teachers and universities constantly depended on contingent situations or amount of students.

    He used many generalizations, about how many students would automatically follow several different ideologues and believe opinionated facts, socially and politically driven ideas and beliefs. He also has two absolute ideas, whether a student learns as Fish explains or a student is politically and socially influenced. In conclusion, Fish argues about what a university should and shouldn’t do during the course of education. The developing of skills and knowledge is necessary, rather than developing ideologies and values. According to Fish, it is nearly impossible to create a classroom that shares both academic and external capacities (19).Works CitedFish, Stanley.

    Save the World on Your Own Time. New York: Oxford, 2008. 1-189. Print.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Analyze an argument Stanley Fish: Save the world on your own time Essay. (2019, Feb 25). Retrieved from

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