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    An Annotated Bibliography on the Use of Behavioral Therapy in Treating Social Anxiety

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    In Julia Dr Buckner’s Motivation Enhancement Therapy can Increase Utilization of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy: The Case ofSocial Anxiety Disorder, the main aspect of the article was to conclude information for whether or not social anxiety disorder patients seek treatment, and the outcome of using motivation enhancement therapy (MET), and if it led to desiring or taking action towards Cognitive»Behavioral Therapy (CBT) The author approached this topic at the source, by confronting and studying an undergraduate, who has a background with social anxiety. She was selected to participate in “An Interview Study of Anxiety” and chosen as a random trial for studying MET, and presented the outcome of affiliating with MET, and the possibilities that it could lead to GET. Using a case study was a great choice to use for this type of psychological disorder, because it shows the process of introducing the patient to treatment, shows their reaction in terms of actions and thoughts, and it efficiently shows the outcome of the treatment.

    This certain article directs away from bias, in the use of going into the process with a “clean slate.” We are given no opinions from or about social anxiety treatments or outcomes and are left to think about the actions on our own. The patient gives us insight into her average day with social anxiety, and we are also told about the percent of people that take action toward their social anxiety, and the usual treatments. As I read this article, I was taken into the mind of someone with Social Anxiety. It opened my eyes to how many people actually make an effort to improve their disorder, and how many don’t, I learned about the treatments and the steps used in Motivation Enhancement Therapy, and how it usually leads to Cognitive-Behavioral. This article is centered on the treatments available for Social Anxiety among teenagers and helps evaluate the best choice and action to take. The main object of this article is to inform whether intervention and treatment is necessary and useful for Social Anxiety found in teens.

    In this case study, we look at a group of 30 girls, and their outlook on social anxiety. During a 12—week specific intervention, skills for social and academic success (SASS) were conducted in schools Using case studies are good at times, but they can also be bad, as they are sometimes not able to complete a full view relating and comparing things. In this case, using a case study was good, because it gave you a main idea of treatments for Social Anxiety in teenagers, just as finding an average is good in numerical situations. In this certain case study, it shows the reader what types of treatment is useful for the patients, and the outcomes of using treatments on each individual, compared to if they hadn’t or if they would have had a different type of treatment Bias can be a major problem in articles relating disorders, depending on the type of people used, the type of disorder, and the type of study that was done.

    Studies need to be straight out, without having certain opinions that can affect your view on the situation, in a way that can change the thought process on the article as a whole. The author of this article dodges bias in the study by avoiding certain opinions on the study, and includes more facts and information found by the case study, rather than person ideas and theories Based on this case study, I conclude that treatment is good for social anxiety found in teens, but only specific treatment is efficient. I decided from that study, that this information is valid, because it is backed up from information and facts found in the case study. Social rejection in social anxiety disorder: The role of performance deficits, evoked negative emotions and dissimilarity. Based off of the information found and concluded in this article, you can answer the author‘s research question of whether social anxiety was determined and related to social rejection, and negative emotions, and then allow you to assume if the person intends to proceed with future contact again, which shows their rating of being socially rejected.

    In this case study, patients were being observed during a “getting acquainted” conversation. They were rated by their social performance, negative emotions, and similarity with the control participants, and their desire to have future contact with one another, By this, we are allowed to determine whether they are considered having Social Anxiety Disorder, and the treatments neededr Case studies are the best way to determine specific relations with a certain idea, or disorder. It gives insight into one subject or idea, without comparing it to another theory or subject.

    In this article, we are specifically looking into social anxiety, which enables the use of a case study to have a great deal of helpfulness in the situation because it allows us to see how people reacted and what the outcomes were for certain experiments. Bias is avoided in this article by creating ideas and outcomes based off of pure evidence found in the study. There is no room for us to create opinions that counteract with the information that is found in the examples and case study used in this specific article. From this information, I found that people diagnosed with Social Anxiety Disorder are usually less liked by their peers and surrounding people, because they are unable to project themselves and their emotions in a positive way, which makes others not want to contact them in the future.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    An Annotated Bibliography on the Use of Behavioral Therapy in Treating Social Anxiety. (2023, Mar 15). Retrieved from

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