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    An Analysis of the State of Florida’s Efforts to Prevent Distracted Driving

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    Anyone who has loved someone understands the agony that occurs when that person dies. This is why we fight so hard to keep them safe. Distracted driving is a hazard and a threat to those we love. According to, over 420,000 people were injured due to distracted driving in 2012 alone. Raising awareness for this danger is an effort that requires everyone’s collaboration. The State of Florida is doing its part in preventing these disasters to the best of their ability. Many will disagree, many will suggest they could do more, such as erecting more signs, but this is untrue. Let’s explore why. What exactly has the State done to prevent distracted driving? Well, for starters, they have enacted laws to prevent people from using cell phones while driving.

    They have also put notices in many places, including TV, radio, and even in overhead signs on the interstate. Police departments fine people caught driving while using electronics. Similarly, they have invested much into educating people of the dangers of this behavior, through schools and other ways. All of this is funded with resources that could have been spent elsewhere.

    Clearly, the state of Florida cares about its citizens. However, many disagree. I have heard many preach about how the State should crack down on distracted drivers. They think that the government is being lazy and letting their loved ones be killed on the streets by irresponsible drivers. They have even remarked that there should be a more aggressive campaign, even one that resorts to using larger, more noticeable signs on the sides of roads. However, these people cannot be more wrong. Many of the suggestions promoted by these detractors are very bad ideas. They can severely restrict our freedom, and in some cases, have an effect opposite to what they intended.

    Anything meant to take people’s eyes off the road is a distraction. Placing more signs on the side of streets and highways will only contradict their point. People will be caught up in reading their message that they may not realize that a car has intercepted their lane, or that they are veering into incoming traffic. Auckland Transport’s website specifically mentions that signs can be a severe roadway hazard.” This is why there are heavy restrictions on signs in some states, such as Virginia.

    So, if not signs, then how can awareness be raised? Well, the absolute best source for providing this information is you! Yes, you, random citizen. Tell your friends, family, and everyone you know about the danger that distracted driving is. Tell them the story of the girl who leaned over to get her phone and ended up in pieces along the road.” Show them the video of the driver who turned onto a busy street without even glancing up from his phone. Things like these, provided through your own voice, will have a much bigger impact than any amount of advertising.

    All in all, it’s unreasonable to expect the State to outdo their already onerous efforts. Preventing distracted driving is a collaborative effort. The result depends on all of our efforts. Instead of relying on bureacracy to head the effort, why don’t you spread the word? The State of Florida is doing its part in preventing these disasters to the best of their ability. Why shouldn’t expect ourselves to do the same? You will be listened to much more eagerly than a simple, dangerous sign post will. We can all lead the effort and make a huge difference. Let’s help to end this grief.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    An Analysis of the State of Florida’s Efforts to Prevent Distracted Driving. (2022, Dec 15). Retrieved from

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