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    Alnwick Castle Essay (854 words)

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    Nottingham tells Marion of Robins death when she says that he is the only one to save the land. He shows her Robins medallion. The following day in the forest, people search for Robin Ben Guest 10L but the great hero is feared dead. At that moment the special effects show robins shadow being projected onto a smoke screen. This is really good effects but can be emotional for some people. Will Scarlet is jealous of Robin as he also loves Marion. He offers to betray him. We later find out that he is the reason why Robins last words to his father were negative as Will is Robins half brother.

    Whilst the villagers burry the dead, Robin says his pride brought them to this, Azeem replies, ‘No, you gave pride to these people. ‘ Later in the scene, Little John attacks will Scarlet. It is at this moment that Will reveals his true identity and his relationship to Robin. Robin organises the attack on the Castle. There are not enough men to fight. Fanny agrees to fill a space. This shows equal rights for women in this film. Again this would not have been true of the 12th Century. Friar Tuck takes beer in the castle whilst Azeem pretends to have leprosy. Robin covers himself in dung to make him smell like a poor person.

    At this point the drums play. This adds to the tension of the moment. The Sheriff of Nottingham takes Marion to the Chapel. Marion can sense that Robin is alive so she cries for help. She spits in the Sheriffs face. This is a great insult to the Sheriff. Whilst the Sheriff is getting married, he gets undressed. He tries to rape her at the alter as he wants to make children that would have Royal blood in them. Robin enters the room in the nick of time. The Sheriff says ‘Do you mind,’ this provides more comedy in this film as it isn’t something that you would say.

    Robin then starts fighting. The fight is ironic as the Sheriff fights with Robin’s father’s sword. Robin passes all the gold to the bishop. The Bishop is accused of steeling it in the first place. Robin then pushes him through the window where the weight of the gold drags him to Earth and kills him. Nottingham pins Robin in a corner with his sword. As Ben Guest 10L Nottingham raises his arms in order to kill Robin, Robin stabs Nottingham in the heart. This is a very dramatic scene . At that moment, Mortianna runs toward Robin. Azeem kills her fulfilling his vow to the Christian.

    After all the hype and drama of the previous scene, the final scene show leaves falling from the sky. We see Robin and Marion marry. As they do so, King Richard (Sean Connery) arrives in the Forest. Doves are then released as the start of the theme song begins. The song is Everything I do, I do it for You by Brian Adams. Kevin Reynolds, the director, created the era that the film was set, this being the 12th Century. He dressed the actors and actresses in Lincoln Green. This material was hard wearing and cheap. It also provided camouflage for anyone hiding in the woods.

    The director filmed scenes in locations that would make the viewer feel that it was the 12th Century. Locations included Aysgarth Falls (Yorkshire), Hardrow Falls (Yorkshire), Alnwick Castle, Hulne Park (Northumberland) and Carcassone (France). The music that was chosen for this film also gave the impression that it was the 12th Century but pop music has been included I this film (Everything I Do, I do it for you, (Bryan Adams)) The actors in this film performed very well in my opinion. Despite the American, Kevin Costner playing a traditionally English part, I do not think that this spoils the film.

    I feel he played well despite criticism from some critics. I think that Alan Rickman who plays the Sheriff of Nottingham was one of the best personalities in the entire film. He played an evil and wicked enemy for Robin Hood but yet was at times light hearted. Michael McShene who played Friar Tuck, allowed the audience to enjoy the film as he played a character who was regularly drunk. The actors in this film are believable. There were some key incidents in the film. When the little girl approached Azeem and asked, ‘Did God paint you? ‘ ‘Did God paint me?

    For certain,’ Ben Guest 10L ‘Why? ‘ ‘Because Allah loves wondrous varieties. ‘ This small speech shows how religious people were in the 12th Century and how misunderstanding white people were of black people. Another key moment in the film is when Fanny (Soo Druet) is in Labour. Azeem is the only person prepared to deliver the baby. Although Friar Tuck warns against him to do it because he is black, Fanny overrules him and allows him to deliver the baby safely. This shows that although some are still weary of Azeem, others have warmed to him and treat him as an equal.

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    Alnwick Castle Essay (854 words). (2018, Jan 22). Retrieved from

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