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    Advertisement project Essay (955 words)

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    I have to move my modified verison of the bottle from photoshop to flash, and u just do a simple drag action into flash. Screen clipping taken: 4/3/2009, 3:08 PM Always look at the side bar, oval circled to see what tool I am using to pre- Form the steps I am doing. The tool I’ll be using will always be darkened, so you can automatically see Here I have to modify the size of the bottle. I used the crop tool as you can see on the LHS bar. Screen clipping taken: 4/3/2009, 3:15 PM Flash work with keys, and the time line.

    What I have done here is that I inserted a key, at 1 second, and placed where I want the bottle to be at that points, and that all what flash is about. The time – and placement of the object according to the keys. Screen clipping taken: 4/3/2009, 3:15 PM I know that this isnt going to be the only bottle that has to move, so there is no way I can get the bottles to be in the right position whilst following each other, so I added guidline rulers, to keep every thing in align. Screen clipping taken: 4/3/2009, 3:17 PM I placed the bottle in between the rulers, so this will make every in the right synchronization.

    The two lines you see in the picture, in which the bottle is standing Are going to act as my guide rulers, and I made a mistake. I should’ve drawn them in a different layer, but I forgot. So I have to now cut the lines, and add them to the new Layer above. Most of the hard work is done know, if you wont believe It And it works. OK as you know from my plan, my idea is to create a shooting parlor Theme, so what I had to do first is to make bottles run throw the Screen from right to left, which I have done for one bottle The only thing I have to do know is to copy those frames in like

    10 layers, creating an endless bottle stream You see that the layers are like stairs. Well this is a modifciation I had to to ofcourse, because otheriwse the bottles would, Never be in perfect synchorniaation. That space in the time line Created the space between the bottles in the video, because The timing of the “go” has to be different for each bottle Works perfecct when u select preview youll see the video Also in the end I will remove the guid-lines, by deleting their layer, So you wont see the lines either. Day 1 Well I think I have made the basis of my popup today.

    What I mean by this is, that now that I have the slide action of the bottle done, I cand edit it to make it look better, add backgrounds etc. But the action is the most important. All I have to do know is just edit. According to my plan I should’ve completed these steps over a period off 4 days. But I guess the fact that I could copy the keys, made the process much quicker. So im ahead of the plan, done the most important part, and now I have 1 week to edit my work to create something interesting. But I made a big modification in my plan according in criterion B.

    I had planned to make a pop-up that will make like those power-point presentation where everything pop-ups gradually and leaves the screen and so on, and I also found another program SWFslide, which converts files into a pop-up code. But then I changed my whole plan. I used flash instead, and I received a few codes from Mr. Hare, which allowed me to make my pop” much more professional and cooler. It extended my options, and I think that flash is a much more better program to use, and it also it converts it to a flash file, and using the codes, I can easily create a pop-up .

    I had created a pop-up by the 27th, it was good but I didn’t really like the design that much. To make it I first took a curtain for the internet, edited and deleted the white background, brought it to flash, Made a rectangle box, and in it added the train of the bottles. But I though it looked not that nice, it looked a 2 minute job. So I decided I was going to make I nicer model. Day 3 28. 4. 2009 Today I have to create the shooting parlor it-self Open photoshop. Take any curtains of your wish from the internet, and edit in photoshop with the magic wound so that there is no background, and that is had been cropped like this.

    Next drag the curtains into flash. And leave it unseen there in a layer called curtains. Draw a shape like this in flash. With angles 45. Next re-draw the same shape but in a smaller size, bring it above this shape and cut it out. What this allows it that it makes a whole within the shape, acting as the border of the parlour. Now bring the curtains back to sight and send in to the back, so that u have the curtain in the parlour, and after that, draw two thick brown straight lines, acoss the curtain in the back, which will act as the base for the bottles to go across. After that send it to the file, where the bottles are.

    Day 4 3. 4. 09 I have edited the parlour so that it fits properly the train of the bottles. There is problem though. Because earlier I didn’t set the positions of the bottles right, I cannot change it, so now my parlour, has bottles going ac

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    Advertisement project Essay (955 words). (2017, Sep 13). Retrieved from

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