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    A Trip to the Bay of Panama Essay

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    On a Sunday morning, the Castillo family was surprised by the news that their family members from Mexico, the Sales, were coming to visit for the first time. Immediately after receiving the news, the family began to plan the agenda for the upcoming days. They began to brainstorm were to take the Sales family in Panamá. They got very excited with each day closer to the Sales Visit and the itinerary they had been planning; one of the places that they were the most excited about was the day trip they planned to the Bay of Panama.

    The much anticipated day arrived, and the Castillo family at Tocumen International Airport picked up the Sales family. Since they had long trip and were hungry, they decided to have a family lunch at Jimmy’s Restaurant. Some of them ordered seafood that was cooked by a much known chef. They had an amazing time eating and sharing memories together. After lunch, they experienced riding around town in the new metro bus. During the ride they noticed that a lot of smoke was coming out of the metro bus. After a few hours both families decided to go to Multi Plaza Mall.

    They bought many things, including clothes, shoes and bathing suits. After the mall they went to the hotel, to get some rest and get ready for their Bay of Panama tour the next day. The next day came and the Sales were ready to experience the planned tour in the Bay of Panama. Much to their surprise, the Sales family experienced a much contaminated Bay of Panama and was very disappointed to say the least. The Castillo family was very embarrassed and ashamed of this terrible situation. The Sales family witnessed the high level of contamination in the bay.

    They saw dead fish and turtles, cans, plastic, shoes, and waste in all types of shapes and forms. The smell present in the Bay was unbearable and disgusted the visitors. Therefore they decided to leave. The sales and the Castillo families continued their planned activities during their visit in Panama. However, they could not forget the unpleasant experience at the Bay of Panama. The Sales family realized that the Panamanian authorities and all citizens regarding the contamination in the Bay of Panama must do something.

    After having this embarrassing and shameful experience, the Castillo family came up with the amazing idea of starting a voluntary project for people of all ages interested in the cleansing of the Bay of Panama. Many media networks and social networks were informed about this project. Giving it the exposure needed for it to be a success. The Castillo family was able to inform citizens about the current issue. They expressed that the Bay was very contaminated by waste. Many comments were made by the viewers, showing interest and supporting the idea for the cleansing of the Bay.

    The Bay of Panama’s first day of cleaning arrived on a sunny Saturday morning. Attendance at the event surpassed 5000 citizens. A lot of effort went into the event for it to come true. As a result, the community helpers collected hundreds of trash bags. There is still much work to do in the bay of Panama, but the contribution to the cleaning process by all that participated is a big step and a much valued one. The sales Family is looking forward to their next trip to Panama, and are eager to see all the advancements done and achieved in the cleansing of the Bay of Panama.

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    A Trip to the Bay of Panama Essay. (2018, Aug 02). Retrieved from

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