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    My Trip to Africa Essay (596 words)

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    As summer came closer and school was closing, I was planning my summer vacation until my mother had to ruin it by telling us we were going to Africa. I was terrified and, my brothers wouldn’t stop talking cause they were to excited. As the days where getting closer I been thinking about all the negative things that could happen while I was there, we packed everything we would need for the trip. The next morning we got up early and got dressed, then my aunt took us to the airport as we said our goodbyes, my stomach started to hurt and I felt sick as we got on the plane.

    As our plane landed all I could see was green all around and trees, bushes, and tall grass. I thought we where in the wilderness. The moment we got off the plane we had to wait for our suitcase which took an hour. I was tired, hungry and wanted to sleep but that wasn’t going to happen cause everyone were waiting to see us. The car trip was quiet long but once we arrived at the place we were staying.. After getting to know everyone they were all so nice and friendly. Then sun started to set, I was quiet surprised cause it was hot weather over there and the sun will set at 6pm, which made everyone go to bed early.

    The morning after we arrived and where settled in, we went on a drive around town. It was very interesting seeing goats and other animals with out their owners just wondering around town. Anyway I took over hundreds of pictures just in an hour. Later that day we went to go eat at a restaurant the food there was delicious. I was quiet surprise that there where pizza stores in Africa. After our big meal we went on a safari, we saw lions, giraffes, and camels. The giraffes were very tall and pretty. Later on our tour guide ask us if we want to ride a camel, I was scared but It sound fun so I tried it for the first time in life.

    It was such an amazing experience and an amazing day. This was the perfect trip. The flight home was long and. It was sad to leave but I missed my friends and was quiet happy to go back. On our flight back to Toronto we had to stop in Ethiopia to change our plane. After waiting for a while they told us to get in line. I was happy when we reach the front. Until they told me I don’t look like my picture on the passport, I tried telling them I lost a lot of weight but they didn’t believe so I got stuck there for five days with out clothing, food and only a hundred dollar bill.

    I was so terrified and there food was expensive and to make a phone call I had to pay three dollars for one minute. After being there for days hungry and cold they told me how they got in touch with the Canadian nimbus and I was going home on the next flight home. In the end I learned a lot of new stuff and meet new people. I thought Africa would be a horrible experience but it turned out to be great. I hope my parents would take us again. I think everyone should travel to Africa if they get a chance in there life. I had an amazing time and hope others would go.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    My Trip to Africa Essay (596 words). (2018, Aug 11). Retrieved from

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