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    A Story of Friendship Essay (635 words)

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    Friendship is not something you learn in school. But if you haven’t learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven’t learned anything. When I was young, I never knew the true meaning of friendship. All the people that were around me were my relatives, so I never cared about having friends. As I grew up, I found myself alone even though I had a big family and many cousins. I didn’t have that special friend who I could hang out with and tell everything to. When I was ten years old, I got really depressed because I didn’t have any friends and my parents didn’t know what to do to take me out of my depression.

    After a while, we knew that we were coming to the US; this made me busy and forget about my depression for the rest of the time that we were in Jordan. On November 19 2007, I arrived to the United States leaving no friends behind me. It was harder and harder to make friends when I couldn’t speak any English. My life completely changed when I met my best friend a year later. Coincidently, the girl who I met at tutoring session during summer and thought she was the most arrogant person on this earth became my best friend.

    At first, I used to hate her and she used to hate me for no particular reason. We use to give each other the dirtiest look and I use to say to myself who does she think she is. We both speak the same language so it was easy for the teacher to introduce us to each other. I said to myself OMG I don’t want to talk to her but anyways I had to. I said hi and she replied with the same word but I heard it with a hatred voice. After that, we never talked during the entire tutor session. In the fall of my freshmen year, I met her at Western High School.

    We had a lot of classes together. When I saw her next to me in economics class. I was like OH NO not again!! How am I going to stand her the whole year? Then, my cousin went and introduced herself and they both started talking. I felt that I misjudged her and that she was really nice. I went up to her and told her, Hi, you remember me’she said yes, of course we went to the same tutoring sessions last summer. Since that day, we became friends and helped each other in schoolwork.

    As the year went on, we were best friends and like sisters. Our families became so close to each other as well. I have many memories with her that I will never forget. One of my favorite memories is I remember one time our teacher told us you guys are like magnet even when I separated both of you, you still found a way to talk to each other. Yet we still fight a lot and argue about many things just like any two best friends. You will always see us arguing about anything but at the end of the day, we forget everything that happened.

    We are like Tom and Jerry always fighting yet cant stand a day without each other. Most of our high school and even now in college teacher don’t get us because we argue and fight but by the end of the hour, they’ll see us laughing and joking like nothing had happened. Some teachers and even our friends have told us that we are crazy. We support each other no matter what happens. She always tells me you are the sister I always wished to have and even if I had one I would not love her as much as I love you.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    A Story of Friendship Essay (635 words). (2018, Aug 02). Retrieved from

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