Social media is terrible and has many ethical problems. Social media is an app or apps that are used to search the Internet to get information, advertising, communication, and to share ideas or memories. Social media may sound or be impressive, but it raises many ethical concerns. The main ethical concern is that kids on the Internet do not know of the dangers. There are good things about social media, but there are many bad things as well. In my speech. it will be made clear that the possible drawbacks and ethical concerns outweigh the potential benefits by explaining some of the problems that are happening every day such as cyberbullying, Internet addiction and the danger of not knowing who you are talking to. Social media is terrible because of the ethical problem of cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is a big issue and will only get bigger as social media expands.
Cyberbullying could range from “fat-shaming” (where a user post‘s nasty comments about your weight or your appearance) to posting private pictures (posts a photo that you only meant for your friend, boyfriend or girlfriend). Cyberbullying gets worse each day, causing the victim to become depressed, which makes them feel even worse about themselves. According to Teensafecom, 87% of teens witness cyberbullying during adolescence and 34% have been the victims. Some of the victims get upset enough they have suicidal thoughts. If social media such as Instagram, Facebook. Snap chat. Twitter weren’t around, there would be fewer ways to cyberbully someone. Cyberbullying is the ethical reason why Social Media is terrible, Can you get addicted to social media? ls addiction an ethical problem? Many people are using social media extensively, causing them to get addicted, which is harming their ‘real lile‘ and relationships.
Because of internet addiction there is a new form of anxiety FOMO (fear of missing out). There are many concerns about FOMO because it is hazardous. This condition causes teens and adults to check their phones continuously. They will even check their phones while driving. 1 in 4 car crashes are caused by people checking their phones while driving. Eleven teens are killed each day in a car crashes caused by FOMO or social media addiction. Without social media, there wouldn’t be an addiction or a Fear Of Missing Out, and 11 teens could still be alive each day. FOMO and social media addiction are ethical reasons why Social Media is terrible. Social media is terrible and has many ethical problems such as not being able to know who we’re talking to. As the Internet is expanding, more websites and apps allow you to interact with other “people”. It is estimated that 945% of the accounts on any social media websites are fake. they are either a robot or someone who is lying about their identity.
With 2.77 billion social media accounts, it can be hard to tell if someone is who they say they are. They might say that they are a 14-year-old who goes to your school but really, they might be a 40-year-old man or woman trying to get you to reveal where you live, what school you go to or what you are doing on the weekend. In real life would you go up to a random person and tell them where you live, what school you go to, bank account details your password or private photos? There‘s no difference between telling a stranger on the street and telling a stranger on social media. Not knowing who you are talking to is the reason social media is terrible. Social media is a terrible invention because it encourages bullying, causes addiction and is misleading. These points work together to support the thesis because cyberbullying, internet addiction and a vast majority of other reasons, wouldn’t happen if social media wasn’t invented social media is terrible, wicked and dangerous.