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    A Scandal in Bohemia was written by Sir Arthur Con Essay

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    an Doyle. It wasfirstpublished in 1891. It is a fiction short story that about a detectiveSherlock Holmeswho helps the King of Bohemia solve problem. The King of Bohemia was beingablackmail by a women he loved, and Holmes’ help was needed.

    Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1859. Hewentto Edinburgh University after nine years in Jesuit schools. He receiveddegree inmedicine in 1881. He became an eye specialist in Southsea with a lack ofsuccess. He wrote his first story, A study in Scarlet, hoping to augment his income.

    Hisdetective, Sherlock Holmes, was modeled in part after Dr. Joseph Bell oftheEdinburgh Infirmary. He was a man with spectacular powers of observation,analysis, and inference. Conan Doyle may have been influenced by hisadmirationfor the neat plots of Gaboriau and for Poe’s detective, M.

    Dupin. The storywassold to a British publisher for 25 pounds after several rejections. That ishow theWorld’s best-known and most-loved fictional detective was born. He was amedical failure in London. He published A Scandal in Bohemia in the strandmagazine in 1891 in order to pay his bills. Sherlock Holmes was killed byhisauthor in one story.

    Doyle was forced by popular demand to resurrectHolmes. Hewrote about fifty-nine Sherlock Holmes adventures. Sir Arthur became anardentSpiritualist after the death of his son Kingsley in World War I. Sir ArthurConanDoyle died in Sussex in 1930. The story takes place in 1888 in London, England. Sherlock Holmes’houseis located on the Baker street.

    the story starts with the night-time. Dr. Watson wentto see Holmes that night. Doctors had tools like stethoscope.

    It was a timewhenRoyal man had to marry someone of royal blood. Briony Lodge has a garden attheback and is build in front to the road. It has two stories. It has largesitting-roomwith long windows. One night Dr. Watson passed by Holmes’ house on Baker street anddecidedto stop in.

    They greeted each-other. Holmes did not know that Dr. Watsonhadreturned to practicing medicine until he saw Dr. Watson. Dr.

    Watson wasreallyamazed by Holmes’ observation. Holmes said that he sees the same thingsWatsondoes, but he does not come up with the same conclusion. Sherlock toldWatsonthat he is about to have a interesting visitor and Watson may stay and hearaboutHolmes’ next case. Watson stayed there. A few moments later a richly dressed man, wearing a mask entered theroom. He was nervous.

    He was the King of Bohemia who needed Holmes’ help. The king of Bohemia was in a bad situations. He was being black mailed by awoman who used to be a close friend. Her name is Irene Adler.

    She thoughttheking would marry her but she was a singer that is why king did not want tomarrythat girl. The king was about to marry the daughter of the King ofScandinavia. The singer warned the king that if he announced the engagement, she willgive thenewspaper a picture of them together. It would create a scandal. the kingwantedthe picture back.

    The king gave Holmes three days to do something. HolmestoldWatson to come back next day at three o’ clock. Watson was waiting for Holmes the next day. Holmes looked like olddrunken Workman when he arrived. He told Watson that Miss Adler married alawyer named Godfrey Norton at the Church of St. Monica.

    Holmes wasconfidentthat pictures were in Adler’s house. They organized a plan to get thepictures. Irene Adler was surrounded by beggars that Holmes had hired. Holmesarrived and sent the men on their way.

    He went inside Irene’s house. Dr. Watsonthrew a smoke bomb. Irene rushed to a secret panel in the wall to save thepictures. Holmes followed her and told her that there was no danger. The next dayHolmes,Dr.

    Watson and king arrived at Irene’s house. They found a letter insteatedofpictures in the secret panel. Irene wrote in the letter that she knew thatit wasHolmes after the fire. The king did not have to fear from her. Now a greatScandalwas over.

    Sherlock Holmes is a detective. He has spectacular powers ofobservation,analysis, and inference. He was deeply attracted by the study of crime. HehelpedKing of Bohemia to solve a problem. He exactly dressed like a priest and anoldman to help the king. His house is located on the Baker street in London.

    Hisrooms were lit. Dr. Watson is a friend of Sherlock Holmes. He helps Holmes to solvehiscases. He has returned to medicine pratice.

    His marriage had drifted themawayfrom each other. He knew Holmes’ every mood and habit. He is always amazedbyHolmes’ observation. The King of Bohemia was less than six feet six inches in height. Hehas ahealthy body. He was richly dressed.

    He had a deep harsh voice and astronglymarked German accent. He was going to marry the daughter of the king ofScandianavia. He was being blackmailed by his close girl friend. Irene Adler lives in London. She was a beautiful and a charmingwoman.

    She used to be a close friend of the King of Bohemia. She thought the kingwouldmarry her but the king wanted to marry someone of royal blood. Shethreatened toblackmail the king. A Scandal in Bohemia is originally written in the British dialect. Ithasmany British idioms. The author proved that the women in the late 1800s had extraordinarypowers of observation as men did.

    A Scandal in Bohemia is an entertaining story. Sherlock Holmes couldsolve any types of problem. He could solve cases abandoned as hopeless bytheofficial police.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    A Scandal in Bohemia was written by Sir Arthur Con Essay. (2019, Jan 15). Retrieved from

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