I remember when I left my country; I was so sad. That day was one of saddest I ever had. I missed my grandparents, my friends and my relatives I left Mexico. I wish I could go back soon.
It was may 20, 1995 when I went to my grandparents’ home to see them for the last time. I was crying when I told them I am going to come here in the United States. As soon they heard what I just said; they both hugged me and began to cry with me. I was so sad that I couldn’t get through the door to leave. I stayed with them for almost the whole night. Finally, when the time to leave was coming, I left them.
My friends are so nice with me that it was so hard to tell them bye. They were sad as I was because we have to separate each other’s. I missed them a lot. Specially, I missed them when I go to play soccer with my new friends that I made here. We used to play soccer in the “Plaza”.
I have so many relatives that are living in Mexico, and I really want to visit them.
I hope I could go in Christmas. I remember how they got when I went to their home to say bye. They were a little bit upset with me because they said that I was leaving them alone.
My relatives and I have such a good relationship. I love them a lot.
The day May 20,1995, I wouldn’t ever forget. This was one of the saddest days in whole life. I almost have five years that I haven’t seen my friends, relatives, and grandparents. I want to be with them again as the old times.