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    A Personal Philosophy: My View on Myself, My Position in Life, My Dreams, and the Necessary Change in the World

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    Who am I? Where am I? Where am i in my life? How can we change the world? These questions are asked every day whether within our own minds or day-to-day life‘ We all have our own philosophy on life and that will change as we grow as individuals We as individuals always change and grow as we age and that comes with sacrifice and accomplishment. Where am i in my life? I am just living in a small town and dreaming about moving to a big city one day. I am only twenty years old and i know i have a lot of time to spend in all aspects of my life which means i can take my time on building the life that I actually want, I want to accomplish my dreams by the time I am twenty-five so i can start building a family of my own. lwish to become a registered nurse by that time so i have enough money to move somewhere to start my life with my significant other i have now or myself either way.

    Who am I? I am not the type of person to live on the wild side of life but that does not mean i do not live dangerously sometimes I also put my complete self in everything i do which is difficult at times but, i do not mind it. You will most often find me in the library where it is quiet] like the quiet i do not like loud noises that often Even though i seem like a shy person i am noti have a very bubbly personality and i am very outgoing even though it does not seem like i am. I absolutely love my family even though they are annoying sometimes they will always be my number one priority.

    Along with being a very safe person in every aspect of my life comes security and confidence because i know what I need to do in order to move on to the next chapter. So many things are wrong with this world i dont even know where to begin. Some people in this world are good and some just do not make the cut of what we know as normal. Many people kill others for fun sure murderers have been around since the dawn of time but now we see it more because of television and social media which makes it seem like it goes on more, We are all human and if one of us needs help with something help them it does not take too much effort to help someone. Shootings. killings, and us not helping people are just the tip of the iceberg on things that are wrong with this world.

    In order to change the world we live in today we all need to put in an effort to change ourselves first. After we change our inner self we need to try to help change the situations of our life that we want to change. Finally, after the self-help portion of change we as human beings need to try to help others in as many ways we can. Even if its giving someone a car ride or helping someone move the little things help even if you do not think it does maybe in the future they will help you. All in all everyone has their philosophy on life and we all have gone through different experiences so everyone is different and has their own view on life. It does not really matter who we are or what we do in life everyone will judge us the way they want to. Our situations in life do not fully define us as human beings what really matters is how we treat people. Not everyone decides to help others but, if you do it will make you a better person in the end.

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    A Personal Philosophy: My View on Myself, My Position in Life, My Dreams, and the Necessary Change in the World. (2023, Mar 17). Retrieved from

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