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    A Personal Accomplishment Essay

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    Just our average Saturday morning, my friend Brendan and I dismantling a car. Wrenches turning, the air compressor whining, and the radio on loud. Under the car with Brendan, turning bolts, hands getting greasy, and bleeding from random cuts on our hands. Then the interior comes out, pins and plugs, bolts and wrenches, sweat and tears. Now under the hood, confused at what to do like a boy lost at sea. The strip down if a 1996 Nissan 240sx. This involved taking out everything in the interior of the car, as well as the exterior and the engine.

    All of this was done by using an air compressor with an air gun, and of course our own hands. In addition to this accomplishment, the online forum was a major help in giving do-it-yourself information. The final accomplishment was to put everything back together exactly how we took it out. The steps to completing this were reading the forum, thinking how we can approach a certain area, common sense, and finally, the actual removing and putting back of each part. The amount of time this took was approximately two days to remove everything and another two days to reinstall everything,

    During the removal process of some parts, there were a lot of trial and errors and lots of frustration. A few bolts in the engine bay were rusted due the car being a 1996. Rusted bolts will literally take forever to remove. There was also a plethora amount of heavy parts that exceeded 100 pounds. Each door was about 100 pounds and the engine was way over 200 so you can imagine how hard it was to remove these parts. These obstacles were easily passed with the help of my friend Brendan. He also let me borrow a few tools that I didnt own and spent 4 days with me to help complete this accomplishment.

    There was nothing that motivated me to do this besides my own self. I always wanted to take apart a car and put it back just so I can say, Yeah, I did that. A lot of time and patience was necessary in this accomplishment. Also, without dedication, the parts would have never gone back on. After the reinstallation of every single part, I had the feeling of maturity and responsibility. I learned how to take off every part on a car and how to put it back on. Its probably the hardest and thing I ever did and gave me experience if I was ever to do this again.

    After we finished the car, Brendan and I both came to the conclusion that this was how it felt to work on an assembly line. This accomplishment was very hard and time consuming, and frustrating, but I am still very proud of myself for doing this. The next thing I would like to accomplish would be to swap and engine from another car into the same car we took apart. This accomplishment will definitely require a hundred times more time, and a lot more dedication. I would hope to start and finish this goal during summer 2013.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    A Personal Accomplishment Essay. (2018, Aug 01). Retrieved from

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