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    A Moment of Terror Essay (1271 words)

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    At the end of May, my family and I were faced with a moment of terror when my grandmother was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer. To say I experienced a feeling of defeat is an understatement. I have never experienced seeing a family member suffer from cancer, and I could not imagine what it would be like seeing not only my grandmother, but also my best friend face something so difficult. I remember the phone call; I remember hearing her precious voice say, “Lauren, God is going to heal me; please do not shed one tear because we serve a healing God.

    At that moment, I knew God was going to heal my grandmother, and she would overcome this cancer she was diagnosed with. Faith, hope, love, and peace allowed my grandmother to have a positive outlook on her diagnosis, and I know she would have never overcome this cancer without the healing hand of God. Faith is typically defined as a complete trust or confidence in something or someone. This definition speaks clearly to me personally because I witnessed faith on a new level throughout these past couple months. My grandmother, age seventy-two, was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer about five months ago.

    I was defeated and torn apart because I questioned why bad things happen to good people. My grandmother did not deserve this; she did not deserve to suffer with cancer. If anything, I should have been the one suffering. I told her that I would give anything in this world to be able to take her place, and she laughed. She told me that God gave her this obstacle for a reason: to strengthen not only her, but also my entire family. She said that she had faith in knowing God had already healed her even before she started chemo treatments.

    Her faith stood out among our family. It was her faith that allowed us to see the light through this dark tunnel and moment of terror. I truly believe her faith in God was the reason she was healed. God knew the whole time what He was doing. He was just trying to prove a point, and show everyone how much of a healer He really is. The word “hope” is also another verb that means a lot to my family and me because we had a feeling of expectation and desire that my grandmother would soon be cancer-free. Not only did my grandmother have high hopes, but my family did as well.

    My grandmother’s attitude truly sparked the feeling of hope within my entire family. We started praying more because this diagnosis made us realize we had to make a change in our life. We realized God was trying to get our attention, and He did. God gave my family and me a wake-up call. I personally believe her diagnosis was a good thing, because I realized how special she truly was to me, and I did not need to take her for granted any longer. I felt as though she would always be here, on Earth, but facing this obstacle made me understand that her time is coming to an end.

    I should be calling or spending as much time with her as I possibly can because she is not promised tomorrow. Throughout my grandmother’s cancer diagnosis, I learned how much I value the word “love. ” Love is a feeling of affection one has for another, and I have never felt more loved than when my grandmother was going through chemo. All of my family and friends were constantly calling and checking on my grandmother. They were telling her how there is power in prayer, and I truly believe my grandmother would have never gotten through her cancer treatments without love from our family and friends.

    She would explain to me how much love she felt when people would simply call her or text her just to make sure she was having a good day. Cancer is a terrible diagnosis, and it does not only affect the person, but also the entire family. My family and I were determined to love my grandmother through her difficult time. We knew she needed us as her rock and salvation because she trusted God was going to heal her. What simply amazed my family and me was her love for God throughout the entire process.

    She never questioned Him because she had faith in knowing that everything happened for a reason. Still to this day, I consider my grandmother my role model because of her strength, dignity, and compassion. She could have given up many times, especially when times got tough, but instead, she kept a positive attitude. Her determination to beat this cancer was constant and unfailing, and in September, she did. After my grandmother was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer, I started putting forth more time in my Bible studies because I knew God was the only person who could heal her.

    The doctors told her she would only live two years if she took chemo and only one year if she did not. I remember the moment of terror, finding out my precious grandmother would be suffering with some horrific diagnosis she did not deserve at all. After I began reading my Bible every night and praying for God to heal her, I was overwhelmed with a sense of peace. I knew this peace was sent from God because He had it all under control. I felt as though my grandmother was healed and that everything was going to be okay. God was trying to tell me something, and I knew exactly what it was.

    He was trying to tell me that if I put my faith in Him then He would perform a miracle on my grandmother, and He did. I still remember the time and place when my grandmother called to tell me she was cancer free. I was so overwhelmed with joy that I could not even speak. All I could do was thank God for performing such an amazing miracle on my grandmother. I could not help but give Him all the glory because I knew she would have never gotten through this without God’s love and peace. Peace allowed me to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Even when I thought all hope was lost, God had a bigger plan.

    He knew she would have been an amazing angel in heaven, but He was fortunate enough to share her with us for a little longer. My life was changed forever when I received the devastating call from my grandmother, telling me she was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer. At the time, all I could do was question God. I soon realized that what I thought was a curse only turned out to be a blessing in disguise. The devastating call, the dreadful visits to the cancer clinic for chemo, the talks about telling her goodbye, everything was all planned by God, the amazing healer.

    He knew exactly what He was doing, and my grandmother would have never gotten through cancer without faith, hope, love and peace. Four words that stand out among all. Each of these words has a special significance to my family and me because they helped us during a time in which all hope was lost but suddenly found. This test soon became her testimony. I truly believe this test was given to allow my family to grow together as one again. Family is the most important thing in life, and without family, I am nothing.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    A Moment of Terror Essay (1271 words). (2018, Aug 01). Retrieved from

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