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    A Man For All Seasons Interpretive Essay

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    A Man for All Reasons. For a truly Christian man, nothing is more important than preparing the immortal soul for the next life. In the play, A Man for All Seasons, Sir Thomas Moore is a devout Christianapparent due to his unceasing prayers, vast humbleness, devotion to his family, and his ardency in maintaining the truth.

    His refusal to obey King Henry VIII shows that he believes strongly in life after death, for going against the King of England in Renaissance Era ensured swift, lethal retribution. Sir Thomas More fought for what he believed in and refused to be molded into something that he wasnt. Sir Thomas More did not die in vain, he did not deviate from his personal beliefs. More achieved more in the end because he didnt let death worry him. His last words illustrate this, His will not refuse one who is so blithe to go (99). More understood that he was in line with his beliefs.

    He knew that by dying and not worrying, he would be proving a point to the public by letting it be known that Cromwell had set him up. When More died it sent a message to the public that the King was wrong in what he was doing. As More died in front of a lot of people, it certainly showed to the public that it was honorable and he put his point across in the clear way. . but because I would not bend to the marriage (78), More is simply stating that he wouldnt agree with the King for the clear intention of staying alive. When More died it was for a worthy cause to take a stand against something he felt was real and because he did not worry in the process his actions were not in vain.

    By More dying, he proved a point to himself and the public. He proved that he was honorable and not going to succumb to the deceitful thinking of Cromwell and the King. I have not disobeyed my sovereign. I truly believe no man in England is safer than myself (40). This clearly demonstrates the fact that More knew what he was doing and wasnt going to go against his beliefs for the sake of living.

    More knew that if he stayed alive, it would have been insufferable, living in jail for the rest of his life, no job, and little sight of family. He did what he thought was right, I do no harm, I say none harm, I think none harm. And if this be not enough to keep a man alive, in good faith I long not to live (97). He sustained in doing what he felt right in his heart, not what people told him.

    Because he was able to keep true to himself and followed his heart, his actions were not in vain. One characteristic that distinguishes a persons actions are not in vain or worthless is the ability to follows ones conscience as did More. Though he treated his family with love and respect, Sir Thomas did not consider staying alive for them. While in captivity, they visited him for a few minutes to try and sway him from his standpoint so that he might return, and life would be able to resume itself.

    Cromwell was hunting More for his beliefs not actions, since nothing bad could be found. Peoples greed justified that they could go after More and distort information in order to get what they wanted. An example of this principle is Richard Rich. He helped to kill More and even lied under oath, all to get what he wanted. As More said to Cromwell, In matters of conscience, the loyal subject is more bounden to be loyal to his conscience than to any other thing (92).

    This suggests that More believed in what he was saying and it didnt matter what Cromwell was saying, More simply dismissed it and carried out what he felt was right according to his belief system. More died for the fact that he would not succumb to the beliefs of the public and the monarchy. He stayed true to himself and this is the most important factor in life. If you are denying yourself in order to get something or somewhere, you are cheating yourself. He was not one to compromise his beliefs to gain wealth and earthly possessions, but to live an honest life. For this very reason he lived and died but not in vain.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    A Man For All Seasons Interpretive Essay. (2019, Jan 30). Retrieved from

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