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    A Life-Changing Trip Essay (672 words)

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    No one can know what will happen in next second. It may be good or bad. Sometimes, if you persist a little while, you can defeat your conflict or get what you want. Here is such an exciting and breathtaking experience that has impressed me so much. I went on a trip to the Nanling National Forest Park which is located in Shaoguan, China, three years ago with my mom and my uncle’s family. Nanling is the name of a mountain which is the tallest one in Guangdong Province. Spring answered the earth, nature woke up and everything had gone green.

    There was no doubt that Nanling was a good place for traveling during the spring season. We planned to go to the top of Nanling in order to enjoy the wonderful view. We hired a local driver to take us up to the top. Before going up Nanling, the driver asked us to make a mental preparation, because we would have a very tough process. “What does he mean by that? “, I asked myself. Anyway, I was curious and excited of it. We were on a minibus and it headed to the top of the mountain. The road was tough and narrow like a snake that was coiling up. The mountain rolled up like that all the way to the top.

    The minibus drove on such a road that make me feel like it was off-track and at any second would drop from the edge of the road. That was what the driver was talking about! Oh my goodness! I couldn’t help holding my breath. My right hand was covering my left hand, and I was praying to God that bless us with arriving safely to the top. I was struggling with myself to calm down. In the meanwhile, my mom had already been uncomfortable because of the carsickness. I turned around holding my mother’s hand and I comforted my mother and talked to her, “We’ll be fine, mom. And we will enjoy the wonderful view on the top.

    Try to think about the moment when we get to the top. We are standing on the top of the highest mountain. All of the beautiful views will be absorbed by our eyes. We will suck the fresh air and enjoy the comfortable spring wind. What a wonderful moment we are going to spend! Just hold on ten more minutes. The happiness is coming. You can do it. And we all can do it! . We were shaking in the minibus the entire time because of the tough road. There was no doubt that it was making us even more nervous. But fortunately, we finally arrived safely to the top. And we all breathed a sigh of relief.

    However, we were stocked by our views. The mountain was very quiet and spring was brushing over the place. The peach blossom in the branches were shyly flashing a light red, a great temptation, like love was covered on the branches flashing shining colors. When the breeze contacted with my face, like my mother’s hand gently touching my face. I liked that feeling, with coolness and so relaxing. Looking toward the distance, the hills rose straight up from the ground as if they were waving at us. They seemed to welcome us. Nearby was a green forest. A clear river looked liked a snake was wriggling in the forest.

    Those big trees just liked green umbrellas protecting the earth from the sunshine. We did enjoy a wonderful view on the top of Nanling! This trip was breathtaking and exciting, wasn’t it? When we were on the minibus, nobody knew if we would arrive safely to the top or drop down. We were suffered by our fear and nervousness. If we give up and return, we could not enjoy such a wonderful view at the top. But we didn’t. We all defeated our fear and nervousness. We tasted the sweet after the bitter. It was such an unknown experience that make me still remember it clearly.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    A Life-Changing Trip Essay (672 words). (2018, Aug 01). Retrieved from

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