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    A Life Changing Moment – The Birth of My Daughter Essay

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    Most people can say they have experienced a life-changing or defining moment. It’s an event which changes their perception of the world and themselves. It can make the world feel upside down, and that can be either for the better or for the worse. The event can be usually dramatic and it can cause extreme sadness and traumatization, or it can be something fascinating and awesome that can cause a sense of exploding happiness and joy. It changes things for the better or for the worse and, in some cases for both.

    I have had my share of fortunate and unfortunate events that have caused the myriad of emotions that all human beings experience in their lifetime. I am thankful for the unfortunate events for providing the wisdom and life lessons I needed to learn. I am grateful for the fortunate events as they offered me the hope and strength to “keep swimming. ” To be honest I never analyzed any one of them and to decide which one was the greatest of all, or the saddest. Until I had to prepare Essay 1 for the English Composition 1020, during the Fall semester of 2014 at TSU.

    I count this as one of my fortunate events. I was and I still am always busy, and like mostly anyone else, I zip thru life, trying to achieve my personal, professional or emotional goals. High school years were the most carefree and happy years I lived. I felt free as a soaring eagle. During those years I lived without my parents most of the time, and I learned that responsibility and organization is important. Also gave me a sense of independence which greatly improved my self-confidence and self-worth.

    It all flew by too fast! Were those years defining? Yes they were. They helped me shape who I am today. But something else turned my world upside down, and it changed things for the better in all aspects. One early spring morning, waking up and rolling heavily to the side of the bed I felt a strange sensation in my abdomen. It can be described as a big drop of water that falls on your umbrella and you feel the vibration of it in the handle. Then my water broke. It was nothing like I imagined.

    And so the task of a long labor began. Twelve hours plus later, when my strength was running thin the medical team arrived to help deliver the baby. I was eagerly anticipating seeing her and holding her in my arms for the first time. You hear the cry and you look at the red baby that the doctor holds in his hands, and then the nurse takes the baby and brings it on your chest. That moment when the baby first lays on your chest is magic. You go from hearing a crying baby to quiet time.

    And I say quiet because, besides the fact that baby stopped crying, I honestly did not hear anything else that happened around me afterwards. Looking at the baby girl was all I was able to do. Awed, amazed, and thankful for such a blessing! Brown fine hair covered her little head, she had her eyes open and her head turned towards me, her skin was pink and wrinkled, and looked soft, she had all ten fingers and toes and that felt ridiculously reassuring, even though I already knew that the newborn was physically healthy.

    The nurse dried her and wrapped her loosely in a newborn blanket. I was then able to hold her for the first time. She had her little fingers in her mouth and was quietly looking up at my face, somewhat expectant. I looked in the dark blue eyes of my little angel and tears of joy filled my eyes. It felt euphoric and unreal to hold my own baby in my arms. She was light and fragile, she felt warm, and she looked so content. I touched her little wrinkled fingers and she clasped my finger in a tight grasp! All I could focus on was her.

    Even though she had a wrinkled face and an egg shaped head from the birthing process, to me she was the most beautiful baby I had ever seen. The love and pride that fills your heart at that time I am sure spills out and fills the entire world! The bliss, glee, jubilation felt during those moments make you forget about the entire preceding painful experience too! That is how I felt when I held my gift in my arms for the first time. A life changing event is just that, it changes your life. Bringing a new life into the world was a irreversible and incredible experience that changed my life for the better.

    It made me realize that life is precious and time is more precious and that no matter how much you prepare for something, you are always not one hundred percent prepared, and all the books about a pregnancy is just someone’s interpretation of their experience. Being a mother is hard work and challenging but the reward of seeing your child’s beautiful smile is more rewarding that life itself. Even after seven years since the labor of delivering that baby and raising the child began I am thankful for the precious life I get to hug every day!

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    A Life Changing Moment – The Birth of My Daughter Essay. (2018, Aug 01). Retrieved from

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