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    12 Angry Men: Boy Is Innocent Essay

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    12 Angry Men: Boy Is Innocent EssayGentlemen of the jury, I would like to point out to you three pieces ofevidence that prove this young boy is innocent. I would like to revewthepurchase of the knife, the old man hearing a yell, and the movie theater. Thefuture of this young boy is in your hands now, make the right decision.

    Findhim innocent. First off, the knife that was purchased the night of the murder. Afterfighting with his dad, he wanted to get away from his house. He lives in theslum, a very dangerous place. Feeling he needed defense, he went to the shopand bought this knife. He is very knowledgeable of knives, and here issomething to think about.

    The wound that was found on his dad cut at a strangeangle. If this boy had stabbed him, it would have been a an underhand cut. Notlike the overhand wound found on his dad. What about the old man claiming to hear the boy yell? How could this bepossible? The old man does not have that good of hearing.

    Also, at that sametime, the train was going by his house. This train is very loud. How could anold man with poor hearing hear this? . This old man is not a believablewitness to the murder of this man.

    You can’t believe what he said. The trainwas just too loud for him to possibly hear the yells of the boy. After leaving his house, the boy went to see a movie to get away fromall of this. He was under total stress. I am sure he did not care to look atthe title of the movie. He probably just wanted in to get away.

    This way hismind was focused on other things other than his father. He thought that if hegot away. he would come back in a better mood to be with his father. I have presented you with the three best points of evidence to prove theinnocence of this young boy.

    Think of this, how could a young boy do this tohis father? Even though he was a victim of abuse, l love is still inside him. That is why this boy is innocent. Now remember, Jury, this is a life and deathsituation that sits in front of you. Make the right decision, or the young lifeof an innocent child will be ruined forever.

    The defense rests.English .

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    12 Angry Men: Boy Is Innocent Essay. (2019, Apr 10). Retrieved from

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