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Young Thomas Edison Essay (290 words)

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    I read the book Young Thomas Edison , by Sterling North. The book tells aboutEdison’s Young life and how he greatly succeeded through out the years. It tellsabout his greatest inventions and Edisons Historic sites and how her became thegreatest inventor of all times.

    Thomas Alva Edison was born of February of 1847,in Milan Ohio. He was the seventh and last child of Nancy Edison and SamuelEdison. Thomas Alva Edison inherited much of his intelligence from Nancy ElliotEdison. Nancy Edison would read books to Thomas Edison about scientists. That’swhen Edison got interested in experiments. When Thomas Alva Edison was ten, heand his family moved to a small town in Purt, Hacon.

    There he had his ownlaboratory in the basement. At the age of eleven Edison and his friend wouldraise ten acces of vegetables. Then they would plant them and they would sellthem around town. They wanted to earn money so they could give it to the family.

    They wanted to do this because they had financial problems. When Thomas AlvaEdison was older he worked as a trainboy and would sell candies and newspapers. One day Thomas Edison’s father realized that Edison was deaf from one ear. Thomas Edison became deaf from working on the locomotive. When Edison wasworking as a trainboy he got the idea of inventing a telegraph.

    When Edison wasin his twenties he earned many patents by inventing the lightball, telegram,telegraph and many more inventions. Edison’s second wife was Mrs. Mina MillerEdison. Edison had many chemical laboratories in his life. On 1931, Thomas Alvadied when he collapsed. By this his inventions we have are street lights,phonographs and many other things.

    I would really recommend this book to any onebecause Thomas Alva Edison is one of the greatest inventors.

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    Young Thomas Edison Essay (290 words). (2019, Jan 16). Retrieved from

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