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    Writing Inspiration: Maya Angelou

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    Maya Angelou is an amazing writer in the world. Maya Angelou lives in San Francisco, California. She has always dreamed of being a street conductor on one of the city street cars! But she was disappointed when her mom told her “ Honey they do not allow colored people on the city street cars”. That did not stop her from what she loves doing. When Maya Angelou was older she became much more than just a streetcar conductor she became a writer too.

    When Maya Angelou was young her mother and father split apart and her brother lives with his father while Maya lives with her mom. After a couple of days later she traveled to her Grandmother’s friend’s house to live with her, she told her how to read and Maya used her voice angin, then Maya went to school and read the whole library. Which made her graduate and became to write poetry. When she wrote books in the library and sold them to people who wanted to read books. When Maya Angelou came to the library to sign people’s books. There was a huge line, After signing all the books she went home and started to read and read. When Maya did that she forgot all about her mother and father.

    As Maya grew older she had many achievements or should I say awards, one of Maya’s Awards are Presidential Medal For Freedom Award. And that’s not all Maya had like more than you can imagine! Based on the fact that she was a civil rights activist .When Maya received Presidential Medal For Freedom Award she got it by the time in 2010. Maya’s second award is Woman in Film Crystal Award, Maya got the Award in 1992. I can tell that she is a very good actress also and dancer. Maya’s next one is Glamor Award For the Poet she got it in 2009. Maya was a pretty good person. The other one is The BET Honors Award For literary! Maya angelou is such a great person and the last award is Marian Anderson Award she got it in 2008. Maya angelou is such a great person I hope you grow up like her.

    When Maya was in her later life she began to travel the world and find out different languages. After that she traveled the world Maya in home at America, Maya wanted to get treated equally, Maya wanted to stop violence. Until that Maya wanted to be a writer. Maya thought that she needed peace in her life so she decided to become a writer. When Maya had hard times she never gave up. Some of the books she made are called Mom and Me and Mom, and still I Rise,I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings. It’s amazing how Maya reads.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Writing Inspiration: Maya Angelou. (2021, Apr 09). Retrieved from

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