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    Working in High School Essay (299 words)

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    Having a job in high school gives me an edge. As an employee, I havelearned to interact with many different types of people, work together,and learn the value of a dollar. Being employed is one of the best thingsthat has ever happened to me.

    Participating in a job has offered me manyopportunities to make friends, assume a leadership role, and take onWorking has enabled me to become a more mature and well-roundedindividual. Without a job, I wouldnt be who I am today. When you areemployed, you have to work every other day in order to make money, andit becomes apparent that you do not have all the time in the world toaccomplish every day tasks like homework or athletics. With so much going on in a high- schoolers life, it is essential toprioritize. Participation in a job has helped me learn to do just that.

    Bykeeping an organized schedule of my responsibilities, and using my timewell, I have been able to show my peers that it is possible to accomplishAt school and at work, people look up to me for advice. Justknowing that others see how hard you work to get things done in your ownlife makes the world of difference in how you feel about yourself. Despite the number of hours I have dedicated to my job, I have beenable to maintain a B average. I have learned that if something isimportant to you, you can accomplish whatever you want to. My participation in the world of working has made all thedifference to me.

    Working plays a key role in many students lives. Participation in employment has given me a sense of maturity and hasmade me feel good about myself. It has made a difference in my life, andI am sure in many other lives, too. Bibliography:

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Working in High School Essay (299 words). (2019, Jan 13). Retrieved from

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