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    Womens role in family Essay (633 words)

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    We have had our worst time. Women, for many years were kept hidden inside the dusty den of depravity. They were not allowed to go to a school. Home was their world. Outside world were meant only for men, the bread-earners of a family.

    Hence, they were wrapped by such a murky life that they remained disregarded for many years. But things are different now. Women induced as much courage within themselves so as to unveil their wrap to the society. Women’s liberation group and what not have emerged since then. They have a lot of demands. They want proper education for the girl child.

    They want status at par with men in every respect possible. But whom are they asking their demands to? Men. That’s right. Men.

    And to me, by activating themselves through this process of liberation, they are in fact intensifying the superior contemplation of their opposite sex. There is no doubt that they have been successful to a certain extent in reaching their goals. Now women go to schools. They can now educate themselves as much as they want. If not a lot, then some are acquiring high and respectable positions in work places. But since it is a fact that even after all these accomplishments, there still exits women liberation groups, makes us think that all of women’s demands are not fulfilled.

    And it will never be fulfilled if they continue this way. That is because whenever they are demanding something, they are actually giving men a choice. If it is fruitful to a man to educate a girl child, then he would consider it, or else they won’t. In other words, women haven’t really been successful in changing man’s attitude towards them.

    So, what should they do now? I think that the best way to deal with this issue would be to make the man realize of their own importance to the society as a whole. What role do women play in the world? My mother is a woman and I can’t disregard her influence on my life. She is a great person to me. And I only have positive thoughts about her. Likewise, every woman should play a key role in establishing a warm and solid link with her child so that in future when the child grows up to be a man, he would realize the importance of a mother in their household. Household.

    That’s the word I still prefer in regard to women. Women truly plays a major role in the household. To me, a family would be perfect and happy if the man plays the role of a bread earner for the family and the woman plays the role of a household mother. Here the meaning of the word mother goes a lot beyond our typical knowledge of motherhood.

    She won’t be the mother only to her child, rather to her family and to her society as a whole. I know that it is not very heard of in the western part of the world. But in the east, where I was born and brought up, injected within me the idea that a woman is a mother whose responsibilities lie strictly surrounding the well being of the family. And if that requires a mother to work outside the home, she should do that, not for the sake of doing it, rather for the betterment of the household she belongs.

    Even though it may apparently appear to be outrageously wrong to adopt my above suggestion, but, believe me, it works. I truly do not want women to enjoy less freedom than their male counterpart. Neither do I want women to be suppressed from the proper rights and privileges that our society has to offer to an individual. But, just think about it.


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    Womens role in family Essay (633 words). (2019, Jan 10). Retrieved from

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