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    Willy Russell – Analysis of a Performance Essay

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    This Musical is set in Liverpool. It is about a working class mum (Mrs Johnstone) who gives away one of her new born twins to her employer so that she can lead a better life. The employer Mrs Lyons takes on one of the babies at birth and brings the baby up as one of her own with her husband. Mrs Johnstone is always behind on her bills and is always in debt with the tax man, But Mrs Lyons is rich and can bring up the son with everything he needs.

    The boys grow up and as they get older they are still none the wiser. When they were about 7 they meet in the street and find out that they were born on the same day and year. They then make a pack to be blood brothers. The two boys Mickey and Eddie soon find out that they will soon be split up and may never see each other again. When Mrs Lyons moves she takes Eddie with her, they go to live in the countryside. Not knowing were the Lyons have gone Mrs Johnstone is evicted out of her house so they can build new houses. They get moved to the countryside not knowing that the two boys would be reunited. The two boys meet have a lot to catch up on.

    They both get themselfs a girlfriend and Eddie goes to University while Mickey is left trying to get a job. The work place is then shut down making Mickey unemployed. The boys meet again when they were a lot older. Mickey and Eddie have an argument in a bank that Mickey is robbing because he has no money to support his new family. Mrs Johnstone comes in the argument and Mrs Lyons follows. The police come and give their orders to put down the gun. Mrs Johnstone tells them that they are brothers and how that they were split up at birth a few seconds later the two boys were shot together.

    Stage, Space and Props

    The actors used the space Very well. They used every bit of the stage but tended to use the Middle and Stage left and Right. The stage Left was used for Mrs Lyons house and Stage Right was mainly used Mrs Johnston house. There was a minimal amount of probes used. The scenery was the same on the left and right most of the way through except when some of the scenary was droped.. Washing lines, Milk bottles and Chairs were a few of the probes used. Music There was music used in this production. The music was the same all the way through but with diffrent word and in diffrent moods. It gave a scene of feeling to the show. It also let you know how the actors were feeling.

    Conclusion In conclusion I think that this Musical was great. They used the stage in such away that everyone could see and such a way that no one was hidden. The music they used was a great way of putting there feelings across. There was a narrator in the show. He played a vital part. He is not only a narrator but he is sometimes Mrs Johnstone’s consciences. He gives her help and guidance thoughout.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Willy Russell – Analysis of a Performance Essay. (2017, Oct 05). Retrieved from

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