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    William Blake Poetry Themes Essay

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    The lamb Is later referred to as Jesus, as the Lamb of God. The child says that the lamb, the child and Jesus are all the same. “He became a little child. L, a child, and thou a lamb”. What he does not understand, as he is an innocent child, is that the lamb will be sacrificed and that the child will die, Just Like Jesus did when he was sacrificed. Another poem that illustrates the innocence of children is “The little black boy”. The little boy has been told that being white is better than being black. Even though he is lack on the outside, he believes he has the soul values as those of a white child.

    He thinks that white children are Like angels and black ones are black because they are deprived of the light, as is shown in the line “And l’ am black, but 01 my soul is white; white as an angel is the English child, but l’ am , as if bereave;d of light”. The mother tries to console her son by telling him that he is going to face a difficult life but once he makes It though, god would take him to heaven “And we are put on earth a little space, that we learn to bear the beams of love; and these black bodies and this unborn face is but a cloud, and like a shave grove”.

    The boy envisions the day that he and the white boy will be brought to heaven. He believes that once he is in heaven he will no longer be been by the color of his skin. However, he thinks he won’t be loved until he is Like someone else. “I’ll shade him from the heat, until he can bear to lean in Joy upon our father’s knee; and then I’ll stand and stroke his silver hair, and be like him, and he will them love me”. The other poem, which shows the Innocence of the children. Is “The chimney The chemosynthesis had had experience in business for some time. He tries to advise another chemosynthesis called Daycare.

    The chimney sweeper tells Tom that his hair cannot be ruined if his hair it is shaved and that it is nothing to cry about because It Is part of the Job. ” There’s little Tom Daycare, who cried when his head, that curled like a lamb’s back, was shave;d: so I said Hush, Tomb Never mind it, for when your head’s bare you know that the soot cannot spoil your white hair”. Tom dreams that “thousands of sweepers, Dick, Joe, Ned and Jack. Were all of them locked up in coffins of black”. Here, the coffins are used to represent the chimneys that the title boy have to shimmy through. The angel that comes to save the boys Is the angel of death.

    He sets them free because they are going to heaven. ” And by came an angel 1 OFF angel told Tom, if he’d be a good boy, he’d had god for his father, and never want joy”. This is important because the children’s father sold them into the chimney sweeping business. So to Tom, having god as a father is something wonderful and to go to heaven is equally appalling to him. ” So if all do their duty they need not fear harm”. This line is very ironic because that is what the little boy thinks. The children o not know that they will die young of an unpleasant death because of this Job.

    By this Blake illustrates how he sees the world through the eyes of a child. There is a difference between the chemosynthesis from songs of experience and the chemosynthesis from songs of innocence. The first one, has a narrator in it questioning the young chimney sweeper “where are thy mother and father? “. The young child tells him that his parents have gone to church to pray and blames them and society for his present position in life. ” Because l’ am not happy and dance and sing, they think they have done me no injury and are gone to praise god and his rises and king, who make up a heaven of our misery”.

    On the other hand, the young boy in the chemosynthesis from song of innocence realizes that he is going to die and that this is wrong. He blames god, his parents, and society for letting this happen to him. In this case Blake is still seeing the world through the eyes of a child, but in a more mature and experienced point of view. To conclude, Flake’s poems contain images of children and depict children as innocent and naive. Blake definitely sees the world through the eyes of a child an this is shown throughout his poetry.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    William Blake Poetry Themes Essay. (2018, Jan 13). Retrieved from

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