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    Why Professional Development Is So Importants Essay

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    Brief introductionThis article aims to discuss the importance of professional skills. The part a is macro-point to prove the starve for the development of professional skills in the global content, which contain analyzed the global current for demand of it on the social, economy, technology and even individual benefits. By using some theoretical and empirical evidence that had been researched by scholars, and also provide one to two examples. The second part is a reflection session for the author herself, to estimate her professional skills through teamwork in classes, societies and fieldworks and diagnose the performance of those works. Not only some literatures are used but also two test and questionnaire are assisted for analyze the teams’ performance and self-potential exploration.

    No matter what, these analyze and tests are really helpful for the team and individual and made substantial improvements.Part A1 Introduction The demand of global continual professional skills development is a currently conversation under the growing trend of globalization. With the rapid development of social, economy,technology and cultural globalization, the demand of talents who possess high quality and high professional skills are brook no delay, but in some way, it will takes some time. Illustrated at The Global Talent mismatch (Eric, 2011), a interesting map which vividly reflects the full demand for talent is far greater than supply, the global market for talent is extremely desire. There is a brief figure that can show the information of the map.Figure1.

    A lack of qualified professional personnel for almost worldwide (Source: Manpower’s annual Talent Shortage Survey of more than 35,000 employers across 36 countries, May 2010)In th. .201312. Sam Kellenberg. (2010). Team Work Styles.

    13. Steve W.J. Kozlowski and Daniel R. Ilgen. (2006).

    Enhancing the Effectiveness of Work Groups and Teams. Psychological Science In The Public Interest. Vol. 7, No.3.14.

    Teambuilding Solutions. Team Roles Questions. Available at Accessed 2/12/201315.

    Thomas. (1992). Conflict and negotiation processes in organizations. In Kristin J. Behfar, Randall S. Peterson, Elizabeth A.

    Mannix and William M. K. Trochim. (2008). The Critical Role of Conflict Resolution in Teams: A Close Look at the Links Between Conflict Type, Conflict Management Strategies, and Team Outcomes. Journal of Applied Psychology.

    Vol. 93, No. 1, pp.170–188.16. What can you do? (2013) The Economist17.

    William Rea. (1995). The Role Of Teams In A New Company. Team Performance Management. Vol.1, Iss.

    1, pp.9

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    Why Professional Development Is So Importants Essay. (2019, Feb 16). Retrieved from

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