My ex-husband had a habit of telling our two children, “I’m coming topick you both up. ” But he never showed up, so the kids started doingthe same to him.
He would call, and the kids startedrefusing to speak with him on the phone. When he cameover to pick them up, they refused to go with him. He started blaming me, for the situation he created, but I had nothing to do with the way the children treated him. All I knew, my kids did not wish to go with him and I wasn’t going to force them to go. After their father left, I took themaside and asked, “What is going on?” The kids told me,”We are sick and tired of being stood up by him. ” I was shocked at what Ihad just heard from the two of them.
They also stated,”We want him to know how it hurts to have someone else come before you. “Everything the children were telling me, I had told totheir father many times before. Now, he was experienceinghow they felt whenhe stood them up or he didn’t call. There is a Biblesaying, “You reap what you sow. ” Now he was feelingAfter three months of this treatment, he finally askedthe children, “What’s going on, why don’t you two want tosee me, talk to me, or go any where with me?” They responded,”Remember all the times you’ve had us sitting and waiting on you,and you never showed up, or when we call to talk with you, and you put us off for your friends.
Well, we wanted you to see how we felt when you did it to us.”Now their father knows that for every action there is aBibliography: