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    What it Takes to Become an Adult Essay

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    When thinking of the transition from childhood to adulthood, one typically pinpoints a certain age or event. However, is it really the passage of time that makes you into an adult? I believe that it’s not a certain age, but a variety of events, triumphs, and tribulations that define the transfer from being a child to an adult. Nonetheless, even the true definition of being an adult is a bit skewed. Yes, there are certain conditions you must realize and partake in before reaching adulthood, but can one truly ever claim to obtain and/or practice such circumstances on a daily basis?

    Adulthood isn’t the practice of being a model citizen every second of one’s life. In fact, being able to care for yourself, as well as for others, demonstrates true human maturity. Terms such as responsibility, compassion, independence, and so forth all appear in our heads when we think of adulthood, but as humans we can’t be perfect. So to put it simply, you do not become an adult overnight, nor can you claim that a single event in your life gave you all the prowess necessary to be an adult.

    From my 18 years on this planet, I can’t claim to have faced all the challenges of adulthood, nor can I claim that I ever will, but certain events in my life, if not giving me the experience directly, have given me insights into the next phases of life. You see, adulthood isn’t the final stage of life. Life is an ever-progressing phenomenon with perpetual tasks, hardships and even mysteries. However, I believe that from my experiences I have reached the blossomings of adulthood, entering the new stage from child to adult. A collection of things in my lifetime have started to pave the path to adulthood.

    There have been a variety of experiences in my life that have made me grow into the person I am today. Firstly, in early 2012, two very significant events happened. I got my first job and earned my driver’s license; two things that are very important to a growing adolescent. My job is very important to me. I take a lot of pride in my work and make my best effort to attend to all my responsibilities. I’ve gained a plethora of skills and experiences from my work, such as maturely dealing with the needs of customers and pitching in when my employer is short-handed for workers.

    Being a part of the workforce has taught me not only responsibility, but numerous other skills that have helped me realize the importance of commitment. Shortly after gaining my employment, I received my driver’s license, which gave me the freedom of being an adult. This allowed me to gain more independence from my parents, and opened my eyes to the corresponding responsibilities.. It would be impossible for me to list all the experiences and events that have aided in my transition from child to adult within the context of 650 words because the process has been quite complex.

    As part of the metamorphosis from childhood to adulthood, many things are lost, some good, some bad, but more importantly many lessons are gained that impact us for the entirety of our lives. This transition does not occur sporadically, nor should it. It takes time, experience, and patience to reach the next level of life. Some may claim to know the exact moment when they became adults, and they may not be wrong. In my opinion, it is impossible for a person to acquire all of the knowledge required to be considered an adult in one instance and that adulthood is a true test of the transitions in life that we must all embark.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    What it Takes to Become an Adult Essay. (2018, Aug 16). Retrieved from

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