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    What Do Christians Believe About Ghosts? Essay

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    The idea that the dead remain with us in spirit is an ancient one, and one that offers many people comfort; who doesn’t want to believe that our beloved but deceased family members aren’t looking out for us, or with us, in our times of need? Most people believe in ghosts because of personal experience; they have seen or sensed some unexplained presence. We don’t think you can necessarily totally prove ghosts are real, but you also can’t just dismiss them out of hand. Especially when there’s so many pieces of evidence that prove ghosts are real “and here’s just ten of the most compelling. We’re ready to believe them! If you ever see a ghost, you can be assured it is not the deceased person you are seeing or someone who died that was unbeknownst to you; it is positively an evil spirit that is imitating the dead person.

    There are wicked spirits in high places that are under the sway of Satan, who is called the Prince of the Power of the Air. These spirits have no power over the believer in Christ but they are a present threat and danger to those who are not saved. So truly, there are no such things as ghost as we commonly think of them. They are fallen demons and nothing to mess around with.

    If you have not been saved, you are still in the realm of a fallen world, however if you choose to become a believer in Jesus Christ today, there is nothing in this world that can harm you. You are under the divine protection of God Almighty and greater is He that is within you than he (Satan) that is in the world (I John 4:4). In traditional belief and fiction, a ghost (sometimes known as a spectre (British English) or specter (American English), phantom, apparition or spook) is the soul or spirit of a dead person or animal that can appear, in visible form or other manifestation, to the living.

    You always get what you concentrate on and you concentrate on what you believe. In other words, in death as in life, you still create your reality. If you die believing that life is good, then the death experience will be a good one. If you believe in Jesus, the disciples and prophets, you will be greeted by same. If on the other hand, you believe in devils, Satan, hell, and the lake of fire, you will experience all of those. Now, it should be evident to you that in both cases, you will be dealing with very real hallucinated realities, but their effects will be experienced as real to you for some period of time.

    This period of transition can be pleasant or traumatic, and again, your beliefs at your time of death are paramount and the information that you learn here will be of vital importance on making the death transition understandable at the time and less disorienting. The best position you can hope to be in is having an open belief system and realizing that you will see what you think you will see. All lives, all worlds, all universes have a mental foundation, in other words, they existed in thought before they existed in matter.

    Matter happens because of thought, desire and expectation, and if those ancient consciousnesses had never expected manner, the first atom would not have broken through into physical mass. Physical matter then is a result, not an inherent reality. Because you don’t perceive them, does not mean that their reality does not still exist. People living in past times had different beliefs, and their beliefs in these “little people  made them somewhat perceivable to the people of those days.

    They did exist and they still exist, but because you don’t believe in them, you close off your inherent abilities to see or interact with them. Matter comes in spectrums, intensities and density just as color and sound comes in spectrums, and there are many spectrums of matter that you cannot perceive. Your consciousness is precisely “tuned” into one frequency vibrational pattern of matter and this intense focus, closes out other aspects of structures that co-exist with your own.

    The existence of other viable beings sharing the same space as your planet is pervasive and you don’t have the whole place to yourselves. It’s not that you can’t see other realities that exist; it’s that you have not given yourself the freedom of perception to include them into your field of what is real to you. You, of course, assume that which you cannot perceive is not real and does not exist, and that is a big mistake because there is much more that exists outside of your reality than what seems to exist in your one cozy little universe.

    The existence of ghosts is highly unlikely. There is no known mechanism which would allow them to exist as described through personal testimony. The brain is what allows thought and consciousness to exist. It has never once in the history of mankind been demonstrated that thought and consciousness can exist without the brain, and that is what the existence of ghosts asserts, that thought and consciousness can exist without any physical body. There is no evidence whatsoever for such a claim.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    What Do Christians Believe About Ghosts? Essay. (2018, Jul 16). Retrieved from

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