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    What Aspect of Myself Do I Value Most? Essay

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    Per. 4 & 5 American StudiesAthletic EssayThere are many aspects of myself that I value. Some people are veryartistic, some are good listeners, some are good friends, and others arejust plain nice. The one aspect of myself that I value the most is myathletic ability. I participate in three main sports, soccer, golf, andski racing. I have played soccer for eight years.

    When I started out, I playedrecreationally in Bow. I played that for three years and then startedplaying travel soccer. This league was very competitive. My coach was Mr. McNeil.

    I played in an under 12 league and I was only eleven. I playedwith lots of kids who are now juniors and a few kids from our grade. Iplayed goalkeeper. Not only did we play in the fall, but we also playedindoor soccer at Tollbooth Sports.

    We won an indoor championship when Iwas on the team. I then joined a team more of my won age. My coach wasMr. Reynolds and our team name was the Rowdies. We are named after theGlasgow Rowdies because our play is much like theirs.

    I still play on thisteam and we have won seven indoor championships and we were runner up inthe state of New Hampshire two times. Now, I only play indoor and spring,and I golf during the fall. I started playing golf seriously last summer. I bought a season’spass to Plasauwa Valley Country Club in Pembroke. I played all last summerand tried out for the high school golf team. The top eight golfers madethe team and he took two alternates.

    I was the first alternate. I got togo to one match and it was on a cold, rainy day at John McCain MemorialGolf Course. I won the match against the other schools’ number eightgolfers. I also competed in the Flag Day tournament at Plasauwa. I camein second for my handicap and won a putter.

    I hope to get on the highschool team next year. Ski racing is the sport I most like, and am bestat. I started skiing when I was 3 years old. My father was a big skiracer when he was young and raced in college. He taught me how to skibetween his legs when I was young.

    I skied at many different ski areas andmy family went on trips to Sunday River in Maine every year for a few weeksduring Christmas vacation. I began my racing career when I was eleven onthe Ragged Mountain Ski Team. I was a J-4 and raced against kids my agefrom other ski areas like Gunstock, Pats Peak, and Sunapee. I raced therefor two years and then I went to Pats Peak to race and I also tried out forthe high school team. I made the high school team as a freshman and wasfifth on the team.

    I got to go to states and my time always counted if oneof the top four skiers fell. We finished fourth in the State Championshipsand missed third by one point. This year, I was second on the team. Mytime always counted. I went to states again and our team finished insixth.

    It was a good season and I enjoyed being on the team. I really enjoy sports. They keep my body strong and healthy. If youkeep your body strong and active, and have a strong mind, you can live forvery long. Playing sports also keeps me away from drugs.

    If I am everoffered drugs, I have to say no because if I do them my ability in sportswill go down. I play sports I can play for the rest of my life and plan ondoing so. Playing sports keeps me in shape and motivates me to work hard. I hope to get better at golf and keep up the good skiing. I play othersports in the summer at my lake house such as wakeboarding, water skiing,and swimming.

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    What Aspect of Myself Do I Value Most? Essay. (2019, Jan 12). Retrieved from

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