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    Web designers Essay (278 words)

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    My choice of an ideal job is a web page design technician.

    YOu make lots of money and you have fun with your job, being creative. Whether it’s a large commercial web-site for business purposes, or a small personal web page about your hobby or family; the process of making it is the same. There are three major steps leading to the development and design of a basic web page: gathering information, laying out the site in a program that is especially designed for it. The most important task is the gathering of information. The first step to making a web page is brainstorming about what you would like for the web page to consist of and collecting everything that you will become part of the web page like editorials and graphics. But one very important thing to understand about this field is HTML’s (hyper text markup language) This is the language that the internet flows on.

    All information previously gathered is categorized in a hierarchy form from the most important to the least important. (DarkMan, 4)A web page designer makes between $350 and $1000 an hour. But you can always find a designer that will do a web page for you for cheap. Most designers started out in their house and made their own web page and experimented with other things to better improve their skill on the computer. (Butler, 28) Almost every University in the nation offers some type of Internet business and design class, Harvard has one of the leading programs of web design technologies.

    There are other smaller schools that have world-renowned programs in 3D technology, but they are not as accredited as a University. Bibliography:

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Web designers Essay (278 words). (2019, Jan 26). Retrieved from

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