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    Ways to Solving Issues in ‘Macbeth’ by William Shakespeare

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    In the book ‘Macbeth’ by William Shakespeare, characters involving Macbeth , Lady Macbeth , Banquo, Malcolm and there come along with different situations that they have to deal with. They have to make choices and those choices come with many different things that affects the outcome of things. With that , there are many different things that can be involved . The two main themes that are most related to their story is “guilt haunts the guilty” and “Great ambition for lust and power ultimately brings ruin” These themes are based off of how characters are internally and externally.

    The theme “Great ambition for lust and power ultimately brings ruin” is a vital theme throughout this book. It all starts with the witches in the beginning and the quote , “All hail , Macbeth, thou shalt be king hereafter.” Which then the question arises, does this actually happen , or is this just a secret desire that has been addressed by the witches ? Now, Macbeth tries to contemplate how and what he should do to make these predictions by the witches come true. He says ,” If chance will have me king, why, change may crown me, without my stir.” Another quote from Macbeth “ My thought , whose murder yet is but fantastical , shakes so my single state of man that function is smother‘d in surmise, and nothing is but what is not. With the quote that Macbeth just brought out means he already had murder in his head even thought the witches never mentioned anything about murder. So basically the sisters justalmksg awaken a murderous ambition that’s been there for a while. The theme is now already starting to be brought out in the internal emotions of a character.

    Now he is planning I’m doing something that he will never be able to get over. With the ending of the theme being “ultimately brings ruin” obviously at the end it isn’t going to end good for Macbeth. Which most people would figure out. This also isn’t just a quote that can be just for a book. This is also true in reality. If you are desiring something for a while and you finally get a hint that it might actually happen, then most likely your are going to do whatever it takes to accomplish that. Sadly even for the bad things people will still do it. Which is the case with Macbeth. Lady Macbeth also plays a role in this with encouraging him into this to. Macbeth is noticed as hesitant but Lady Macbeth just goes all out and puts in his mind that there is no choice but to kill Duncan. In Act 1 scenes 5-7 it’s all about Lady Macbeth now.

    She has her plan all figured out and tells Macbeth to leave it to her. They have the king and couple of his men to their castle for hospitality. As of now , Macbeth isn’t even in the picture. He is in a different room contemplating if he should actually let this carry out. With just that , that shows how the theme “guilt haunts the guilty “ is such a vital theme in this story. He hasn’t even followed through with the murder and he is already feeling guilt and thinking of what will happen in the future. Macbeth actually comes to a conclusion after thinking about it long and hard that he does not want to kill the king because there is no reason to besides his own ambition. Which goes back to the first theme.

    Now Lady Macbeth enters after Macbeth says he doesn’t want to kill Duncan and is outraged. She says , “ When you durst do it, then you were a man. ” Macbeth is worried that they will not be able to kill Duncan but she convinced him that if they are bold it will be a success. She now explains her plan to him and says , “if it were done when ‘‘tis done , then ‘twere well It we’re done quickly.” They have the guards drunk and the king sleeps at their castle. They use the guards dagger to make it seem as if they killed the king. As the bodyguards are framed , Lady Macbeth goes on knowing that they will both mourn over the death of Duncan. This is how again , “guilt haunts the guilty .“ These are the two main themes that go along with this story. The characters internal thought and feelings lead to how these themes are shaped.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Ways to Solving Issues in ‘Macbeth’ by William Shakespeare. (2021, Aug 20). Retrieved from

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