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    When should we trust our senses to give us truth? Analysis Essay

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    Rationally, the one we see magnified through a microscope is truer as it offers an even closer look at the paper under study than our eyes alone. Therefore it can be deducted that a microscope with a further increased magnification will reveal more truth. So if what we see with our eyes is not true and what we see through a microscope is also not true as there is always a possibility of an even stronger magnification then, what is true? The answer is not very easily produced as an unconditional truth is not always possible and thus we have to rely on a combination of our senses and anything else that would contribute to the journey for truth.

    All the arguments regarding our senses and if they should be the vehicle used to drive us on the passage for truth revolve around the question: “If I cannot trust my senses, then what do I trust to provide truth? ” Our senses are the foundation and basis for everything in our lives. From the moment we develop a brain while in the womb of our mothers to the time when our feeble heart stops beating, we use our multiple senses for everything. They act like a beacon illuminating the dense darkness all around us and guiding us while we are living and breathing.

    The exploration for undisputable truth is accented by hopelessness. We cannot fully rely on something as concrete as our own senses. This leaves us without dependable tools that we can implement to support us in this difficult process. As unreliable as our senses are, they should not be the deciding factor of truth. They are fundamentally variable and simply unstable but, they are all that we have. We should however, trust them to allow us to grasp the world around us be it not always true.

    Obtaining the evasive truth is impossible for us as human beings but, the unfeasible task should nevertheless be undertaken purely for the sake of maybe one day being a step closer.

    Words: 1426 Bibliography- All websites accessed on September 28, 2008. 1. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Quantum_mechanics 2. http://www. eioba. com/a70192/senses 3. http://www. moyak. com/researcher/resume/papers/socrates3. html 4. http://www. sparknotes. com/philosophy/descartes/themes. html 5. http://www. wisegeek. com/how-many-human-senses-are-there. htm 6. http://www. philosophyonline. co.

    uk/tok/perception1. htm 1 http://www. eioba. com/a70192/senses 2 http://www. wisegeek. com/how-many-human-senses-are-there. htm 3 http://www. moyak. com/researcher/resume/papers/socrates3. html 4 http://www. philosophyonline. co. uk/tok/perception1. htm 5 http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Quantum_mechanics  Alex Goncharov 2008 Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our International Baccalaureate Theory of Knowledge section.

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    When should we trust our senses to give us truth? Analysis Essay. (2017, Nov 30). Retrieved from

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