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    Training and Development Program: Hilton Hotels Essay

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    Hilton Hotel Hilton Hotels & Resorts (Hilton), number #227 on the Forbes list is a publicly traded corporation. On the Forbes list, Hilton had ranked this year in the following categories: #30 World’s Best Employers, #2 Top Regarded Companies, #114 Best Employers for New Grads, #90 Best Employers for Women, #227 America’s Largest Public Companies, #114 Best Employers for Diversity and more and this year is not even over.

    Hilton was founded in 1919 by Conrad Hilton and the first property was called the Mobley Hotel in Cisco, Texas. The name changed to Hilton in 1925 and now has over 570 properties all over the world.

    Hilton is not just a hotel that provides a place to stay when traveling, they are about making changes all over the world through hospitality. Globalization In today’s world people do not just use hotels for vacation, they also use it for business. Hilton provides hotel space for both types of travelers.

    They have hotels located all over the world giving travelers everything they need through their amenities, from resort types of properties to business centers appealing to everyone. Through providing these types of properties, Hilton has provided employment which helps economic standing in all countries they service.

    Hilton has development offices that cover a wide range of area such as a Europe office, Africa & Middle East office, an Asia Pacific office and of course The Americas office. Hilton has extensive agreements with suppliers all over the world.

    They are can meet any supply of demand with the suppliers they have agreements with from anywhere in the food industry to the electronic industry and everything in between. By connecting with different types of industries, Hilton can take their hotel to the next level in providing for anyone, anywhere.

    Hilton has used technology to keep them relevant in all these years of doing business. Hilton is using virtual reality (VR) in giving their customers virtual tours of their properties and smartphones to get their customers more engage to help improve their customers’ overall experience.

    Matter of fact, customers can use their smartphones not only to book their accommodations, but they can also unlock their hotel rooms and control their room temperature.

    For the fitness people out there, Hilton has in-room wellness workout that has fitness equipment and accessories in the privacy of your room if you do not want to work out in their gyms where they use technology for you to choose your workout on a screen, and it gives you a video of how to correctly perform the exercise.

    Giving their customers the ultimate experience, Hilton has created an application called Fun Finder to help their customers find things to do at their properties. Adding these new technologies has cause Hilton’s reviews to go up in the ratings on social media.

    Staying up on technology can help any business, but for Hilton, they do not just implement any new technology that is brought to the forefront. Hilton asked themselves three questions before implementing any new technology.

    They are “First, will it make the guest experience simpler and more enjoyable’secondly, will it help the hotel and/or Hilton team members? Thirdly, can it be scaled across multiple brands and properties for a consistent experience?”

    Hilton does not let the speed of new technology causes them to react fast in implementing without doing the research first. If these questions cannot be answered favorably, then Hilton will not implement the new technology.

    The Industrial-Based Model will affect your business in a positive way if the external environment is influencing your business correctly. The external environments must be advantageous in order for you to be able to earn above-average returns. Companies also must have the internal skills to be able to implement those strategies.

    Hilton has been able to position themselves by developing hotel properties in new emerging markets such as China and Europe. Also, Hilton has joined three major strategic alliance in the Caribbean and Central America, Russia and the UK to build more hotels to position themselves as the premier global hotel company.

    Hilton is involved in franchising to be able to affect their revenue positively. The Resource-Based Model is the uniqueness resources that a company has that is different from their competitors to have them earn above-average returns. The company resource has to be hard to imitate and/or rare.

    Hilton has been the first in the hotel industry in many things such as becoming the first hotel to install televisions in guest rooms, the first to earn both LEED and Green Seal environmental certifications, and many more firsts. Hilton employees can conduct business in 42 different languages services 101 countries.

    This positions them to be able to help their customers’ needs. Hilton has different types of hotels within their portfolio that can appeal to almost anyone and that makes them unique.

    Some of their amenities standout such as one of their brands when you book your stay, you get to pick the pillow that best fits you to guarantee you get a better sleep, another brand of hotel they have in their portfolio caters to the culture of the local community which makes it different from other hotels in the area, another one of their hotels provides a free cook-to-order breakfast and complimentary drinks and snacks at night.

    All of Hilton’s hotels make sure that the employees are trained to pay attention to details of their customers to ensure that they have the ultimate experience and would want to come back. That will affect their above-average returns in a positive way.

    Hilton Annual Report has their Vision Statement which reads “To fill the earth with the light and warmth of hospitality – by delivering exceptional experiences – every hotel, every guest, every time”. Their vision statement influences their overall success by encouraging their employees to be passionate about delivering exceptional customer services.

    When you arrive at Hilton, you are greeted with a warm smile. I have personally stayed at Hilton numerous times and have not once had a bad experience. Their amenities are so vast that it can satisfy any customer, and their employees go out their way to make sure you have the best experience possible.

    According to Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness, a vision statement must direct where you would like to be in the future and Hilton’s vision statement accomplish that by wanting to provide hospitality at every hotel, every guest, and every time.

    Hilton Annual Report has their Mission Statement which reads “To be the most hospitable company in the world – by creating heartfelt experiences for guests, meaningful opportunities for Team Members, high value for owners and positive impact in our communities”.

    According to Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness, a mission statement must specify how the company intends to compete.

    Hilton does state how they intend to compete by stating they want to create a heartfelt experience not only for their guests but by creating opportunities for the employees, a high value for their owners and a positive impact on the communities in which they serve.

    Hilton has goals to create value for all of their stakeholders from their employees, suppliers to their communities in which they support. Hilton has implemented a balanced scorecard to keep track of all of their operations to ensure that they reach their specific strategic objectives.

    If any of their areas on their balanced scorecard go below a certain point, they immediately address the situation and implement a plan to improve in that area immediately. Keeping track of their balanced scorecard will impact their overall success.

    When employees add value to the organization by providing exceptional customer service and in turn, the customers give great reviews on social media, there is nothing but a win-win for the organization.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Training and Development Program: Hilton Hotels Essay. (2023, Jan 13). Retrieved from

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